Infection Megalopole

Discussion in 'Halo 4 Archive' started by JMpataGueuu, Apr 22, 2013.

  1. JMpataGueuu

    JMpataGueuu Promethean

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    The map is a huge city (size: 9 walls Colosseum long and wide)
    I have not covered roofs because people could not go,
    The game mode is simple. It will happen in the streets of the city, the goal is simple:
    2 is infected with two tanks scorpion versus 14 survivors for 6 minutes. (to adjust time on the number of players)
    Objectif for survivant: resist, dodge and hide or die.
    (The Scorpions Hunt the survivor)
    # Infected are invulnerable and do 75% more damage (basically it shot you in the're dead!.... beside! you still have a glimmer of hope)
    # The survivors are 0% damage, the rest is normal(default).






    respawn humain:

    respawn Flood:


    Destroyed Building:


    middle map:



    #1 JMpataGueuu, Apr 22, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 26, 2013
  2. PresidentSnipes

    PresidentSnipes Promethean

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    Great aesthetics, clean forging, and gameplay looks interesting as well! I might have to give this a download. I love your use of color, something many maps have been sadly lacking. You seem to have placed the scenery well, and made it readily available for cover. Particularly, what I like about this map, is it's Halo 2-esque layout, design, and aesthetics. I also LOVE the way it flows with Impact! Awesome map!

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