
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by mtlshreader, May 26, 2008.

  1. mtlshreader

    mtlshreader Ancient
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    download the map here

    here is a cool cloning map i made i figured id put it on forgehub
    here are the directions on how to use it the map
    2.set damage resisance to 10%
    3.go in and get hit by a soccer ball
    4.your shields should be almost gone(flashing red)
    5.detatch a turret and whala!
    6.comment on my map

    here are the screenshots

    this is the sign outside that says "cloning" and it is made of weapons

    here is a picture of the first floor

    here is another overview of the first floor

    here is a picture of the clones

    here is the teleporter thar takes you to the top floor

    here is the overview of the second floor

    here is the parking ouside to make it feel like a store.
  2. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Well you obviously copied the idea from the orignal guy who posted the cloning map here.But it looks cool but nothing really special I mean all you have to do is forge your own game do little stuff like that and wah lah you did it.
  3. mtlshreader

    mtlshreader Ancient
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    awhile ago i saw it on youtube and i figured id try it
  4. Y0Y017

    Y0Y017 Ancient
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    How on earth does that work? I am confused, but will download to check it out.
  5. SlasheI2

    SlasheI2 Ancient
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    so you basically took the idea from the original mapmaker buddhacrane(spellcheck?)
    and made your own map? theres already a map like this so i think that you should at least give proper credit.
  6. mtlshreader

    mtlshreader Ancient
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    look i dont even know who that guy is i just saw it on youtue and wanted to try it
  7. Snipers Stealth

    Snipers Stealth Ancient
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    Yeah, I saw this in 'Forge Discussion' a while ago. Anyway, kudos for trying out new forge tricks. The problem with this is, the clones don't save, so their a bit pointless, fun to see though!
  8. HumBoys

    HumBoys Ancient
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    Didn't know about that fun little trick... cool!
  9. mtlshreader

    mtlshreader Ancient
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    will i get banned if i aske u to comment more
  10. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    Another crazy-wazy cloning map. They just started popping up loads ever since that glitch vid Halo3Tricks released on youtube. They never even gave me credit for discovering this glitch, pfft.

    Anyway I am the guy who found cloning and there are a couple of things you may not know (since only I've ever tried to explain them)

    - You do NOT need to lower your damage resistance. This is a common mis-understanding due to the Halo3Tricks youtube video. Had they contacted me before hand I would've informed them. Lowering your damage resistance just makes the trick alot easier.

    - The clones are just dead bodies that have not had their ragdoll physics applied to them, this is because you have died in a mid-animation transition (The tiny minute nano-second between ripping off a turret to having one in your hand)

    - Only connection host can see the clones, but everyone can make a clone. Only connection host sees the clone because of the crazy nano-second timing of the death that creates the glitch, the natural lag of xbox live prevents off-host from seeing anything other than a dead body.

    - Since a clone is a dead body, naturally you cannot kill it, it is already dead.

    - The clones disappear in the same time it takes a dead body to disappear (because it is a dead body...)

    - The glitch works because you are in a "suicide state" after hitting the soccer ball. This is a glitch in its own right and has some amusing properties; For instance, punching a wall will kill you when you're in the "suicide state", you can be betrayed when friendly fire has been turned off and you can be killed by someone with their damage modifier set to 0%. You can get into the suicide state by getting hit enough times by any inanimate object such as a barrel, cone, vehicle or soccer ball.

    - You can even do this glitch in matchmaking, all you need is a vehicle and a turret. Zanzibar is the best level for this. Just bring a warthog into the base, have someone ram into you a bunch of times really quickly until your shield begins to recharge (It will start to recharge even though you're getting hit by the vehicle). This is how you know you're in the "suicide state". Then just hurry to one of the turrets outside the base and rip it off! Voila a clone in matchmaking! I find this easiest to do with some friends in social slayer. Unfortunately only host can see the clone of course.

    - Ready for the fun bit? You can create a clone in campaign! Just use the same method as in matchmaking. Find a level with a vehicle and a turret ("Tsavo Highway" or "The Storm" are best). Just have a friend ram into you with a vehicle a bunch of times until your shields start to recharge (so this means you need to be in co-op) and then rip off a turret! Voila campaign clone! The beauty of this is EVERYONE can see the clones because host works differently in campaign and the clones last ALOT longer because dead bodies don't disappear in the same way as in multiplayer. Now we can finally have 2 MC's in Campaign just like the good old days, sort've.

    Here's A Film Clip on my Fileshare showing Cloning in Co-op incase you couldn't understand my descriptions.

    Finally, here's a campaign clone pic!


    So there you go, some mysteries solved.

    So basically cloning just requires a way to enter the "Suicide state" and a nearby turret.
    #10 buddhacrane, May 27, 2008
    Last edited: May 27, 2008
  11. mtlshreader

    mtlshreader Ancient
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    wow verry detailed
  12. Wraith

    Wraith Ancient
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    To add on to the knowledge of this cloning glitch, you can do it Offline as well.

    BTW, don't tell Bungie about this, they'll probably be gay and patch it in an update, so that we can't do it. Maybe they won't, but don't take the risk.
  13. Glitchditch

    Glitchditch Ancient
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    i wonder if there are any other ways to do this, maybe using the avamod map and ripping of one of those missile pod turrets
  14. halo2RandCGeneral

    Senior Member

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    its my youtube video i am xSharpshooter94 and i am using my second account because i got banned for spamming unfairly i might add dont take crieded for a map i all ready maid and have 1,300 downloads on it u have no life uf u steal maps and call them ur own u punk
  15. DTA MoonDawg

    DTA MoonDawg Ancient
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    It's fun, but the clones count as dead bodies, so they despawn after a minute or two. Otherwise, it's a cool glitch. I think when you do an extreme action like that, such as ripping a turret or meleeing, your body gets weaker. I know because I once dropped a Traffic Cone on my head, meleed a fence and died from the melee. Funny stuff!

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