
Discussion in 'Halo 4 Archive' started by BlackDeath10, Apr 21, 2013.

  1. BlackDeath10

    BlackDeath10 Ancient
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    Map Authors and Contributors

    Lead Design: Darkling Ninja
    Co-designers: Limey, Redemption. Sethiroth

    Design input: Fritzer, HezbollaHector, The Fated Fire, Warholic, Nitroo, Psycho Duck

    Co-forgers: Eww Your Skinny, Darkling Ninja, Redemption

    Map Information and History

    Mutants History:

    Mutant was one of those likes Halcyon, everyone was excited for it, but it never was completely finished or released. Many people are aware of the design and it has become one of those famous maps that was never made.

    The original mutant was designed over 5 years ago for the first Halo 3 MLG forge forum map pack. It is the original guirdian, lockout inspired forge map. Myself, Sethiroth and Fritzer has all put some of our design skills into making this a good map. Many people were excited and looked forward to its release. In the end it turned out to be impossible to forge on Halo 3 with the piece limitations. The fact is that Mutant was just to far ahead of its time for Halo 3. Mutant was put on the back burner for the first time, as we all waited for the next Halo game to be released hoping that the next forge system would be able to handle the map.

    Enter the brokenness of Halo: Reach. Mutant was redesigned soon after the games release by me and Sethiroth. Even though we had some issues redesigning some areas before we were able to find any solutions frame rate killed Mutant. The forge pieces required to create Mutant in Halo: Reach consisted of primarily frame rate heavy objects. Halo: reach could not handle the design either. Me and Sethiroth gave up on Mutant and focused on our own work. Upset with the frame issues of Halo: Reach forge, frustrated with the broken and terrible game play, and busy with college I stop playing Halo and disappeared from the face of XBL and Halo for the next 2 years, leaving mutant and forge behind.

    Then I got my hands on Halo 4, a vast improvement over Halo: reach. Halo was once again fun for me to play. I picked back up forge, and got involved with the community once again. I practiced making maps to get use to the system while re-designing mutant for Halo 4. Halo 4 had no problem handling mutant, sadly enough Halo design had advanced so far that mutant was no longer light years ahead of its time. Even so mutant still stands tall as one of the best, if not the best asymmetrical competitive map. Not to toot my own horn, but I have not played an asymmetrical map that plays competitively as well as mutant does. (default infinity slayer is a different story) If I play one that is better than mutant I will gladly admit that the asymmetrical map is better. I expect that I will eventually play a competitive asymmetrical map that plays better than mutant. As of right now I have yet to play it. In a matter of fact I would not be surprised if there is a map already out there that is a better asymmetrical competitive map then mutant [​IMG] like I said I have yet to play it, and I play a lot of forge customs.

    Map Description:

    Mutant is a 4 tower, asymmetrical competitive map, that specializes in OddBall and Extraction. Since its conception, Mutant has been geared towards competitive game play.

    This is a fast pace asymmetrical competitive map. Rapid fighting and non-stop action is what mutant has to offer. The map promotes movement and team work, and demotes camping. The geometry of the map does not rely on lazy cover and/or generic geometry to provide cover for players. Providing oneself with cover will depend on taking advantage of the angles and using team support.

    Unlike most 4 tower asymmetrical maps, stalemates and polarized spawns are not an issue. Like all asymmetrical maps stale mates happen from time to time, but they do not last very long. The longest stalemate has been 45 seconds in my testing. The lockout problem does not exist on this map, a team will not find themselves making a hard push to a power point just to spawn in the same place over and over. (Like lift room on shutout) The spawns are dynamic, yet sensible and controllable.

    The levels on the map are balanced out well and no part of the map is underplayed. The high ground remains the coveted locations to control just like any other map, but the other levels are not without vital importance. Middle ground provides more cover, with critical shooting angels, and versatility, making middle ground a vital location to utilize properly. Low ground provides the most cover will access to flanking positions, as well as an Overshield spawn making it important to keep an eye on.

    In the end Mutant has been what everyone had hope for it during these last 4 years of design. I would like to thank everyone who has contributed to it throughout the years.

    Thank you,
    Darkling Ninja

    Weapons, Game Types, and Misc.

    Player size: 4-8

    Weapons On Map:

    BR x 4 (30sec)
    DMR x1 (30sec)
    Carbine x1 (30sec)
    LR x1 (30sec)
    Boltshot x1 (90sec)
    Needler x1 (180 sec)
    Magnum x2 (60 sec)

    Frag x 4 (30sec)
    Plasma x2 (60sec)

    Ordinance Drops:

    Sniper Rifle x1 (150sec)
    Overshield x1 (90sec)

    Best Game Types:

    Odd Ball

    Other Supported Game Types:





    Gold / White




    Bottom Middle

    Rock / Cave



    #1 BlackDeath10, Apr 21, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 25, 2013
  2. RageMage

    RageMage Promethean

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    Pretty solid layout but the texturing on the objects is really ugly. A lot of the buildings faces have so much going on and that's going to blow when it comes to competitive gameplay as that's what I see this map playing best. You probably could have used a lot of different pieces to improve the texturing as it looks real cluttered. Ill edit this though after I have some feedback on the gameplay.
  3. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Design is incredibly intriguing, but as Rage said, the textures look really muddled. I feel like this map is visually punching me in the face. A lot. If you could find a way to make this more smoothly, I'd be interested to see it. That being said, it looks like it could be fun to run around on, and I'm getting a San Vitale feeling from this, which I really love.
    #3 Audienceofone, Apr 21, 2013
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2013
  4. Chronmeister

    Chronmeister Blockhead
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Awesome. This map has to be good with so many people working on it. I cant wait to try it. If you need help on your next map, I would be happy to join this group of forgers. I just posted a conversation about this. What a coincidence.
  5. BlackDeath10

    BlackDeath10 Ancient
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    Aesthetics are not really that important to me in Halo forge. I actually have a degree in fine art, even thinking about trying to make a halo forge map look aesthetically brilliant gives me a headache. If the forge system was more advanced and we had more we could do aesthetically I would give it more effort, but with what we have I believe game play takes priority over aesthetics.

    I would love to hear more about what you think about the map, please update me when you get a chance to play it. Thank you for the feedback.
  6. Elliot

    Elliot BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Your right, it is very difficult. I find that things look a lot better if you have lines pointing the same way, continue lines for as long as you can and avoid overlapping textures. For example, in the last image, you have the wall single overlapping the texture of the two inclines and the inclines merged into the floor of the building. In this situation, it would look a lot better to use a pieces that is 3 units high. With the 5x1 pieces, you have one placed vertically and two places horizontally, they kind of clash which is what Audience is getting at with "visually punching him in the face" (lol). Just try and use less pieces in a more cohesive way. Find interesting ways for pieces to fit together using different combinations of 1, 2, 3 and 4 units.

    That's my $0.02 in terms of aesthetics. No comment on gameplay/layout.
  7. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
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    Yeah, I understand what you mean on the aesthetics (I'm an art major at university), but outright ignoring them is pretty bad in practice, I'd say.

    As for the actual gameplay (you know, the important part), I'll come back and leave some feedback if I can find time to get a game on this. I'm sure it plays rather well considering the people involved in this project, it's one hell of a list too. Until then, I don't see any glaring issues.
  8. Elliot

    Elliot BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I do know that Eww Your Skinny was an amazing forger in Reach. So yeah, gameplay is promising.
  9. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
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    The map looks like it needs a lot more dance floor and for players to actually feel comfortable in a shoot out. To me, it just seems like a lot routes going that just lead to more routes and the whole thing looks very confusing and not very easy on the eyes. I would suggest more areas/rooms. It just seems like a very rough concept that needs to be cleaned up quite a bit.
  10. BlackDeath10

    BlackDeath10 Ancient
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    Dance floors are balanced, and there are not to many routes :) that is one thing I can assure you of.
  11. A R C A S I U S

    A R C A S I U S Promethean

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    Actually there are many routes. Also your forging needs to be cleaned up significantly when it comes to the flooring as when im walking along almost every piece of flooring is bumpy and ruins gameplay particularly the ramp at blue tower. That needs to be adressed as it breaks the flow of gameplay and gets frustrating. Secondly, the map is visually too busy, and as rage says it looks very competitive focused so all the more reason to watch the textures of the pieces you're using.
  12. BlackDeath10

    BlackDeath10 Ancient
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    Doesn't seem to be a problem to the best map designers in the game:). also this map is considered to be one of the top contenders for a spot in the team throwdown playlist :). as of right now it does not have the top spot, but only time will tell.

    Though I will agree some of the bumpiness needs to be addressed
    #12 BlackDeath10, Apr 21, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 22, 2013
  13. A R C A S I U S

    A R C A S I U S Promethean

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    Best map Designers? That is a fairly big assumption. I think you're just praising your own map to get views. Yes address the bumpiness and also the fairly random layout gets people very confused and would take a very long time to get used to. when you spawn it takes quite a while to orient yourself and understand where you are.
  14. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    Arc, you will meet the same fate as Darkling did from your thread if you continue to post in this thread. If you two want to go at it, do it somewhere else.
  15. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
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    There's nothing wrong with a lot of routes, to me though, it just seems like that all it is is a bunch of interconnected routes and no solid 'areas.' I walked around on the map and that's how I stand about it. There is no solid rules when it comes to level design so no one is absolutely right or wrong. I understand you made the map for Team Throwdown and whenever it comes to very competitive map design ideas, guardian and lockout are always the first thing to come to mind. It's cool that you think you were the first one to think of making a map based on those two, but by now that horse has been beaten to absolute death. Two, this map could of been forged cleaner while still keeping the same layout. You said you don't care about aesthetics but why add the antennas, rocks, capture plates, etc. to make it look like you actually made an attempt? To me, they make it worse with no caring about aesthetics you shouldn't of added those and cleaned up the map quite a bit so players can understand the geometry and layout of the map a lot better. The map is very hard to look at and is quite distracting when trying to understand it as lines are going every which way and routes are going at a bunch of weird angles.

    Also don't sell your map by saying it is in one of the top spots for throwdown. There's usually only like a few active hundred players in that gametype and forging is dead anyways. Not to many people even forge in Halo 4 anymore as you can see all forge sites are pretty much dead with not very many active members so your competition is really thin, especially for Team Throwdown. Saying 'Mutant' was the first inspired Guardian/Lockout map is an assumption being that there is no way to actually track that and makes no sense when even you said it was never finished. I'm sure there were plenty of forgers with the same thought process about level design that never finished or begun production on such a map. Originality is much more impressive while inspiration simply states you liked something and wanted to create close to the same thing and it is. To me I'd rather play the originals than play a mocked down forged version of it.

    Also saying the map is 'light years' ahead of it's time is quite hilarious, I'm sure you meant that to be a joke. There are a quite a few maps that people have thought up that would prove the forge in any halo no match for them. It seems to me like your trying to come off as a professional map maker but making maps in Halo forge is nothing short of very amateur. It's cool that a lot of people helped forge this thing but stuff like that I would of not announced it like it was something special b/c it's simply not. From that many people with a lot of experience making maps in forge I would of expected more.

    It's ok if you disagree with anyone's feedback on here but you're opinions are not greater than anyone else here. I made the same mistake when I first showed up here during Halo 3. When it all boils down to it, your an amateur designer making an amateur map in a dumb'ed down map maker designed for even kids to be able to make a playable map and posting it on a forge website with nothing but a bunch of other amateurs giving you feedback.
  16. BlackDeath10

    BlackDeath10 Ancient
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    - Jump Pad scaled down, shield door indicator replaced with capture plate indicator

    - All Wall Single flooring removed and replaced due to invisible wall preventing weapon and objective pickups

    - All Brace Tunnel flooring removed and replaced due to invisible wall preventing weapon and objective pickups

    - Damage boost added top green

    - Weapon and power up timers adjusted for sniper and overshield

    - Pathway added from red plat to gold balcony

    - Hill and Extraction site sequence adjusted

    - Extraction site Echo moved from green jump to the top of green

    - Various cosmetic changes

  17. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I'd like to see this newest version. I really like the layout a lot but just like others mentioned, this could look 10 times better with different piece usage but that's not a huge deal. I was wondering why you used so many trait zones for the jump pad instead of just 1 bigger one? Also not a big deal but it could of saved budget and I couldn't figure out the reason. I love the jump pad though in all honesty. It's a great map but i will say you come off quite bold to say its the best asym competitive map, no matter how you word it. It's a great map though. I've decided to start making my maps with the weapon spawns instead of the ordnance drops again. I'm also trying to join THC but it's taking forever to get accepted by the admin :/
  18. BlackDeath10

    BlackDeath10 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Mutant 2.0 Updates

    - Map re-forged exactly to scale on Forge Island, various aesthetic changes have happened due to this. Most notably black / Green tower is now Rock / Cave Tower

    - Pulse Grenades and Damage Boost removed

    - 2 Magnums Added to map

    - Weapon Placement Changes
    1. Sniper Moved to top Red
    2. Overshield still bottom Mid, but moved closer to Blue/Gold side
    3. Carbine moved from top Red to top Gold

    - Needler added to top Gold were sniper rifle use to be

    - Jump Pad removed, jumps ups added along the inside of the middle ring

    - Jump up added on gold plat to top blue (The rock in the back of the plat)

    - Glass on red window removed, now the window is open
  19. Wraith2098

    Wraith2098 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Wow that looks amazing, I love the choice of forging it in the fog and using rocks as well. Very aesthetically pleasing.
  20. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Looks 10 times better on Forge Island. I just wanted to ask why remove the jump pad? I thought it was pretty cool.

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