Well hello once again. After completing Jade and Opal, I began forging again. It took a long time, but I think I've got a fun little design here. Maybe. I'll likely end up redoing it a few more times, but this is what I've been working on, and i decided that I would like to share its current state with you. There is no download currently, but if you'd like to help test this, I'd love to have you join me. As this gets closer to the finished version (or if it gets there) I'll update the thread and with any luck, eventually I'll have a link to DL this. There are still a bunch of things I want to edit, but we'll get to that later. Without farther adieu, here is Lapis Lazuli. It's blue. Thank you for your time.
This is the map we played a couple days ago right? Cause I absolutely loved the flow, there was no spot that seemed more powerful than another. Not to mention its super sexay.
Yeah, this is it. I made a few changes since you played, but for the most part it's the same. I hope to get you in on another game soon! I think I'll probably rebuild this before I get into any more serious testing though. Thanks for the kind words, Given.
Played this earlier tonight, it was good fun. I found the map easy to understand, I knew my way around after a few minutes. But the map is also complex enough to flank in really really interesting ways. I would like to play it again before I say anything more.
Explains it pretty well. Are you also going to do Sapphire, Ruby, Emerald.. etc.? Just kidding. I can't tell much from the pics, but you have done it before with Jade and Opal so I'm sure you pull it off again on Impact. I'm talking about the great maps they were of course, judged by observation. Never got a chance to play it... Unfortunately.
Elliot: Thanks, man. I appreciate all that! Like I said, I intend to do a rebuild and make it better. Right now there are a few connections that need to be redone. Peter: I also appreciate your equally kind words! As for Sapphire, probobly not, since Lapis Lazuli takes that blue gem spot. Ruby is a map being worked on by Hushed Behemoth too, that sneaky bastard. I don't know if there's more coming or not, but if it's a 2v2, it will be a gem. Edit: began toying around with this again. Rebuilding. May or may not keep this version, but the rebuild is allowing me to do some new things in this design. It's getting nifty up in this hood. or something. That's how the "cool" kids talk, right?
So... Jade, Opal, Now Lapis Lazuli? Okay. I am down. They all look sexy so whatev's. The name is a little bit of a tongue twister, shorten it? OR! Spoiler Gems by Color Scroll down and pick one from the blue category
Nope, it must be Lolite. Seriously though, the name is fine (imo) cant speak much for the map since it kinda looks like everything else I see nowadays.
K, thanks for the pressure, guys. I don't even know what made the others unique. Also, this is Lapis Lazuli. It's awesome and blue.