I just had an idea, but I'm not sure if it is a good one. What if a player started a map, then gave it to another. The second player would have to keep certain aspects of the map but could erase others. Some sort of rules would have to be made up, but. This process would continue, player to player. I think a group of about 10 people sounds about right. Each person would ultimately input around 1000 budget. The process would also include weekly testing from version to version and the map might make the cycle a few times before becoming perfect. I think it would be fun because it would be a shorter more experimental forge experience. Just a little here and a little there. Everyone will own a piece of the map and it most likely will be an awesome one.
Yup, it is a good idea, and one that has been toyed with from time to time. They were called "community maps", created exactly how you describe it. Many of these projects fell apart due to people waiting too long to get their turn to forge, and losing interest. But yeah, if you can scrape together enough people who are into the idea of a mass collaberation I wish you all the best!
yeah id take part in this as well I reckon. and the map name would have to be something prostitute like, eg. Flextacy or Candy or someshit
I tried this back in the day in H3, but it didn't work out. We did a little here and there but everybody was too dedicated to their own personal maps that we ended up dropping it. I think if it was actually executed properly, it would be a pretty cool map. I don't think it would work if you did random structure, pass map, random structure, pass map. There would probably have to be some sort of theme or layout type discussed beforehand.
If I save an empty canvas and have you all forge on it, then you hand it back to me to submit for contests and such, that would make me the pimp, wouldn't it?