So I just finished watching THFE's video on how to use Google Sketchup, and it got me interested in starting to use sketchup sites. The thing is though, Google SketchUp looks a little too advanced for me to use. I know for certain that it isn't the only sketchup option out there. So tell me, what sketchup sites do you guys use, and what would be a good place to start for beginners like me?
Sketchup is the beginner cad software. Really there's nothing easier and sketchup is incredibly easy. It's the paint equivalent of CAD.
Mhm, what Mick said. This, or this could help. You can also use this for reference if you'd like. It's much more simple than it looks, trust meh.
I downloaded Sketch Ups last week and it's really easy to pick up. I've made a model of Crypt and just about finished with a model of Memento.
Here's a webbrowser cad software, tinkercad, though it probably is the same level of complexity as SketchUp Forging Tool: Tinkercad | Halo Customs
Seems interesting, but when I sign up to fill in all the stuff at the beginning, it askss for a company name :/ . I guess all of you just pulled something out of your ass?
Are you sure you're not trying to download the pro version? That costs money and has tools you'll never use in your life. Just use the Sketchup 8 free. Trimble SketchUp ^Right download link
I could never figure out how to make ramps... Besides, I found that I felt like I was wasting time by not using forged pieces for a forge map. It's undoubtedly a great tool, but It's a meh thing for me that only takes up my time I could b using elsewhere.
Ramps are pretty easy. First, make the bottom 2x2. There's a measuring unit on the bottom right that'll tell you how big it is while you're making it. Make sure you have it to scale. Then, add the 1x2 to the back. Make sure it's along the blue axis, and not the red. then, just draw a line from each top corner of the 1x2, to their respective front corners of the 2x2. It should fill in by itself. This entire reply was probably unnecessary, but whatever... It does take more time, but then again if you have time on your hands but aren't on your xbox, this is a good way to make maps, especially if you've got a really good idea you want to jot down.