The anime designs are slowly popping back up on the storefront. They missed a massive trick not letting people bring full car designs over from FM4. What a bunch of numptys. Xun, Join us in the car club, Search FHub. We should make a TGIF party for next week Friday. Anyone interested?
I may when I get back on it in the next few days, and I might join you for the TGIF, but it'll probably be some weird hour on Saturday for me. ;P
a few days later and i've already grown tired of this game, tired of it much much much faster than i expected myself to be. took months to get tired of fm4 anybody else sharing the same frustrations?
Slowly. Sadly. I've got all but a couple of the online achievements, from less than 2 hours gameplay online. I reached popularity rank 1 really fast, before I've even gotten to the Purple wristband. The AI are still retarded, with no sense of the player's car. Fix yo **** T10/Playground. Although Infection is still fun online, with the areas much more open, the games don't last as long but they could do with some larger areas as some are tiny for the R3 or faster cars.
Yeah ... i'm disappointed really. Its a fun game to play, but there doesn't seem to much much longevity in it. There were literally around 1000 races to complete in FM4 ... [br][/br]Edited by merge: I also dislike the lack of necessity to keep trying and trying to get perfect laps/runs since there is no clean/dirty lap marker.
Is it just me, or are there a fair few more body kits available in Horizon than there were in FM4? This is something that I approve, massively. They need more stuff like that in FM5 ... loads of body-kit options for every car, not just the standard wing and splitter.
All the GTR options have gone AWOL and they're the same as FM4 for the ISF. I haven't looked at any other cars though.
I knew what he meant. AWOL = Absent without Leave I just couldn't remember there being as many options for cars in FM4 ... although, it may just be that there's loads less cars than FM4, so i'm using ones i've never used before.
Lol, I like how Sky used AWOL in the correct way, but had no idea what it actually meant. Gold. Also, I still haven't come back to this game yet, but I haven't really been playing my Xbox for the past week either. It's coming into summer in Aus and it's starting to get really bloody hot, so I've been pretty exhausted whenever I get home from work and don't really have the energy to use my brain, so I just chuck on a movie or, y'know, sleep...
There was always a high number of body kit parts for some of the "tuner" cars like the Evos and the Nissans in FM4 so maybe you're just using those cars more
Is anyone still in the car club or whatever? Cause I just got it and I figured it would be cool to play with someone I sort of know.
Once I beat every single player race I just stopped playing. I still have Need for Speed Most Wanted that I've barely touched, but I like Horizon more.
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