
Discussion in 'Halo 4 Archive' started by CrimsonVolver, Apr 13, 2013.

  1. CrimsonVolver

    CrimsonVolver Promethean

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    This map is tucked inside the heart of the small island on Forge Island. The path spirals from Blue at top to Red at bottom, with Green room in the middle; The spiraling path is a loop, almost like a figure eight, so each Room (Red, Blue, Green, each have two exits, although Green has two additional ways to enter/exit. This map can lead to intense close quarters fighting, and besides the obvious paths, there are a few ways to take short cuts to Green Room from Blue and Red Rooms. I used mostly all natural objects, with some carefully placed Decorative and Dominion objects for Aesthetic appeal, and of course the Dishes used as the ceiling. THIS IS A CAVE MAP.

    It was challenging to make this map because of the invisible walls of the Island's exterior, which cause you to walk up into the air unnaturally, so to speak. Some of the path building took me up close to the underneath of the grassy Island floor. But it serves it perpose well; this is my first close quarters map. I usually build maps more suited for BTB.

    It is perfect for 8-12 players, and 6-8 FFA Fiesta is intense, fast pased and really fun. Probably the best gametype to play on this map is Extraction. I merged the extraction targets into terminal-like structures. I used the large #5 rocks to build the exterior walls and due to some invisible areas I had to build up certain areas to keep your feet on the ground, so to speak.

    This map actually came together surprisingly fast for me; usually maps take me months, not a few weeks, but it all just came together relatively quickly. I had fun making it, hope you have fun playing it in custom games. CV

    #1 CrimsonVolver, Apr 13, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 24, 2013
  2. CrimsonVolver

    CrimsonVolver Promethean

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    Hey, so comments would be really really appreciated. Thanks. CV
  3. Given To Fly

    Given To Fly MP Level Designer
    343 Industries

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    It looks pretty interesting thats for sure. I might just have to DL and look
  4. CrimsonVolver

    CrimsonVolver Promethean

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    Thanks, Fly. Let me know what you think. CV
  5. CrimsonVolver

    CrimsonVolver Promethean

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    We did a game test tonight with 6v6, and it actually worked out well. I was a little bit laggy, but I have a few solutions for that. I am updating the min/max count from 8-12. I figured it is a really small map, but I was efficient in how I used the space, so if you are planning on game testing it, have at least 4v4. My updated version will just have the grid placed below and kill cam eliminated to boost frame rate. CV
  6. Aranore

    Aranore Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I Downloaded this because its the first "cave map" that caught my attention in a while. I think you should add this to your description:

    "It is INSIDE the small island. like, forced through the natural walls inside"
    :) now on to the map - I like it. nice and small and cramped can get really hectic. tested it with a group of mine (10 people) and a few times we were thrown outside the area. So i think it should stay for smaller 4v4? other than that you have a lot of aesthetic tricks that I am most definitely impressed by, both on this and your other maps. Good job overall.
  7. CrimsonVolver

    CrimsonVolver Promethean

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    Thanks Aranore. I think what probably happened is there were not enough initial spawn points, or respawn points, which I have since added more. I have done few other small tweeks on my latest version to minimize lag from larger groups. Originally I said it was a 2v2 or 3v3 map, but after some play tests I am convinced it is 4v4 to 6v6. Great intense close quarters fighting. Try Extraction on it. My favorite gametype. Again, thanks for your compliments. I will be submitting an updated version of Vanguard soon, and I will amend my description for this one as suggested. CV.
  8. DaMeekie

    DaMeekie Promethean

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    I have actually forged in the islands too with my map "MYST". I really like the area and the fog effect that it adds to it. The one thing I really don't like about the map is the extreme openness of your 3rd picture, to the clutter feel in others. It looks decent, and I think you could do some work with the aesthetics. I can't say I know how the game-play is, but this map looks to me as a flood game-type rather than a slayer based map. Great job on the map though!
  9. CrimsonVolver

    CrimsonVolver Promethean

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    Thanks. As with all maps, it is a work in progress. I am in 2.0 version. There is some openess in a few parts, but if you DL and do a walk through you will see that, being the Small Island, it is rather small and compact, and very close quarters. CTF and Extraction work well. Have not tried Flood yet, but at some point I will just for fun. Not sure what you mean by working on aesthetics, to be honest. I have added a few small aesthetic areas, but I don't want to over do it. Too much aesthetics makes it more art and too distracting for competitive or even fun play. Thanks for your input! CV
  10. CrimsonVolver

    CrimsonVolver Promethean

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    I will have to look up your Myst map. CV
    #10 CrimsonVolver, Apr 22, 2013
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2013

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