HEPHAESTUS "Fathoms below the ocean surface, this geothermal plant sits as a stark reminder of the once prosperous utopia it powered." Created by Crypocalypse and Kavemanr - 2-4 players - Designed for the Dustup competition - Extra gametype support coming soon Salty water dripped of the walls, algae and barnacles laced the looming interior. Cracks lined every window, wall and column. Hephaestus had left this place long ago, his fiery reign swallowed up by the ocean's inevitable reclamation of what is rightfully its own. There is no god now, only a musty sense of despair and desolation. There is no movement down hear, no one to mourn the deaths of countless souls lost to their own greed. It truly is a darkened re imaging of hell. Untouched images: Spoiler
Haha... well in game though you might be slightly disappointed by the actual colouring. (hint: I used photoshop on these images). You still however get that underwater feel in game.
It does look like its underwater. It looks pretty confined too. But, I think I'll give it a download.
Here, this map right here is a sign that Forging on Erosion is not all but lost! I know it has been touched up, but it still gives that feeling of clausterphobia and a "Bioshock" feel every time I see it. I am extremely pleased with how this looks and commend you sir on your work!
First off, I have to say there IS a map canvas from Forge Island out there that IS actually under water. I have it in my local, but xbl is down right now and I can't remember the file name Underwater Canvas, or something like that. I will put the canvas up in my fileshare later on. My friend showed it to me last night--it will likely be where many Flood Forgers will be making some truely haunted maps. Secondly, I like the close quarters aliens feel, and the aesthetics seem clean. I would only suggest posting screen shots not touched up by photoshop so we can see what it actually looks like. CrimsonVolver
I've been working on a Siren Alley-inspired 2v2 map for a little while now. I love that someone else thought to make a Bioshock-inspired map, did you build the core of Hephaestus?
Wow I thought this map was forgotten and dismissed almost instantly! Thanks guys for the appreciation, but dont forget this was co-forge with Kavemanr. That was what we were going for. Yeah I watched the video about that. If only we'd had that a month earlier! Also thanks for the complements, Ive added some untouched photos.
Cryppy! your such a tease It reminds me of that one map from Gears 3 that was actually a hotel underwater. Now except for the fact that "THE [map] IS A LIE!" Looks good. BTW can you stand on the OS thing that it is floating on?
No you cannot. We made sure to find something you cant stand on, however you can stand on the ordnance drop pod if its there.