I suppose this would be the best place to post this. After doing a search on Google and on ForgeHub, I came up with no result for something I've been wondering about. What would you consider the right amount of spare clips for each weapon to be on a Forged map? Right amount meaning not a stupidly high amount, or so little that picking up the weapon would be pointless. It also pertains to the size of the map you're making. This is something I'd really like to know, as sometimes I feel I give too many clips. I'd like as many people as possible to participate, so I'm going to give a template which can be copied and easily filled out. Simply copy the text in the spoiler box, then, after the [noparse]"[/b]"[/noparse] tag (there is a space at the end of each line for conveniences sake), type your preferred number of clips in the order of Small map, Medium map and Large map. If you like, you can type S, M and L next to each corresponding number to clarify further. Spoiler [noparse] Assault Rifle: Battle Rifle: DMR: Magnum: SAW: Shotgun: Sniper Rifle: Sticky Detonator: Rail Gun: Rocket Launcher: Carbine: Concussion Rifle: Fuel Rod Cannon: Needler: Binary Rifle: Boltshot: Incineration Cannon: Lightrifle: Scattershot: Suppressor: [/noparse] Be aware though, the clip numbers range only from 0 to 5, and even though it can go up to 5, the weapon can only hold it's maximum amount of ammunition, regardless of if its spare clips option is set to 5. Example, a spare clip is however many shots the gun can hold when fully loaded. So, for the Shotgun, its maximum number of shots when fully loaded is 6, so 1 spare clip = 6 extra shots. However, it can only hold 18 spare shots in reserve, so the maximum number of spare clips would be 3. If set to 4 or 5, it will still only hold 3 spare clips. For a single shot weapon, like the Sticky Detonator, it can obviously only hold one shot, so 1 spare clip = 1 extra shot. Its maximum number of spare shots it can hold is 8, so setting its spare clips to 5 would give you, you guessed it, 5 extra shots. I have also not included weapons that have charge ammunition, like the Spartan Laser and Storm Rifle, etc. Here is my example, and spare clips I would use; Spoiler Assault Rifle: 2 2 2 Battle Rifle: 1 2 2 DMR: 1 2 2 Magnum: 2 2 2 SAW: 0 1 2 Shotgun: 0 1 1 Sniper Rifle: 0 1 2 Sticky Detonator: 3 3 3 Rail Gun: 2 3 4 Rocket Launcher: 0 0 1 Carbine: 1 2 2 Concussion Rifle: 0 1 1 Fuel Rod Cannon: 0 1 2 Needler: 1 1 2 Binary Rifle: 1 1 1 Boltshot: 1 1 2 Incineration Cannon: 1 1 2 Lightrifle: 1 2 2 Scattershot: 0 1 2 Suppressor: 1 1 2 So, there are my thoughts about what the right amount of spare clips for each weapon should be. Please post your own, and discuss further any feelings, thoughts or ideas you have about this topic.
Assault Rifle: 2 2 2 Battle Rifle: 2 2 2 DMR: 2 2 2 Magnum: 2 2 2 SAW: 0 1 2 Shotgun: 0 1 1 Sniper Rifle: 0 1 1 Sticky Detonator: 2 3 3 Rail Gun: 2 3 3 Rocket Launcher: 0 1 1 Carbine: 2 2 2 Concussion Rifle: 1 1 1 Fuel Rod Cannon: 0 0 0 Needler: 1 1 2 Binary Rifle: 1 1 2 Boltshot: 1 1 1 Incineration Cannon: 0 1 1 Lightrifle: 2 2 2 Scattershot: 0 1 1 Suppressor 0 1 2 ^None of this accounts for timers, of course. Perhaps you could work weapon spawn timers into your OP template?
That sounds like a good idea, but it throws too many variables into the equation as the spawn timer goes up to three minutes. Or, in other words, I'm just too lazy to do it right now.
There are too many variables already. Map location, plurality, etc. Please provide three definite maps or situations, with the only difference between them being their size.
It depends on the type of map really. If it's small and confined, don't put a rocket. If it's big with long lines of sight, don't give a sniper too many spare clips and so on and so forth.