Alpha Created by DOCT0R CHAOSMap Description: A completely enclosed high domed court constructed on Impact and built to resemble World War II airplane hangars. Currently the spawning is set to matchmaking style. The court includes a full 4 sided wall hop. Dimensions: 32L x 28W Screenshot #1 Screenshot #2 Screenshot #3 Screenshot #4 Screenshot #5 Screenshot #6 Screenshot #7 Screenshot #8 Screenshot #9 Screenshot #10 Screenshot #11 Screenshot #12 Screenshot #13 Grifball Court by: DOCT0R CHAOS Community Cartographer and court builder for the National Grifball Association
Same as your other Grifball map...looks great (and I can't wait to play on here with some friends), but this post probably belongs in the "Halo 4 Social Maps" thread.
Yeah I wasn't sure. I was kind of confused why Grifball wasn't in the list. If someone can move them that would fine. Thanks for the heads up and input Hydrolysis.
I like the openness of the design. My only suggestion would be to add some contrasting aesthetics to the cathedral walls, and the apex at the top. Other than that, looks great. You can probably just post it in social and post your future maps to there, and not worry about the rest. CrimsonVolver
I couldn't agree more. Unfortunately one of the biggest things a Grifball court forger battles with is the Pro League players. Just like how MLG has a strict set of criteria for their maps. Pro Grifballers demand a very sterile atmosphere so as not to be distracted during the game (ie. too much design leads you to lose a flying ball in the artwork of the court.) I constantly struggle with the design over function aspect. This court was constructed for a Forge contest for the National Grifball Association. They wanted an official home court for their league. So this one had to be function over design. It won first place in the contest and is in use by the NGA so I probably won't be making any changes to it. Other courts that I build for general use tend to have more intense design to them. Thanks again for the critique.
Totally understand. I wish 343 would bring back vamperism. I had created a Vampire League gametype in H3, but that custome option was edited out in Reach. I had basic map layout/weapons, etc all configured, and then Vamperism disapeared. CV