Today here I have a map to show you, Created by myself, helpers were Quizter and AC SpecOps. This was a Mini-Game that I loved to play in Halo 3 and have wanted to recreate since Reach but never had the right space to do so. We've pretty much done everything as it was in 3 but changed some things up to better suit the Map and Halo 4. Now, onto the way it works. There is 1 Flood (Tank) The rest Humans (Mongoose) Simply the way it works is the Mongeese must run from the scorpion and try to stay alive for the remaining time. Each player has 1 life, when you die your dead. There are multiple rounds in a game, with hazards and jumps to go along with all this. That's about it for the way it works, quite a simple map. Video Now on with the Screenshots. Human Spawn. (Mongeese) Flood Spawn. (Tank/Scorpion) Mongoose Performing a jump. Guess this Mongoose didn't think his path. Overview. That's it for this post, if you could leave feedback it would be much appreciated. Thanks
This map brings back great memories of halo 3. Me and my friends had a great time, but i wish it was bigger. Also you should change the last man standing trait so that you can't see their waypoint.
Thanks for your feedback. First let me say I agree with the Waypoint, but I couldn't find a way to fix it. If I could fix it I would, and if you know how please tell me. I'm unable to make it bigger, as this is the biggest island for Forge Island. Again, thankyou for your feedback it means alot.