Since ordinance came along in Halo 4, does anyone still place weapons normally? In my case I place the weapons normally on all of my maps rather than use ordinance. Anyone still use normal weapon placement or do just ordinance?
I think weapon placement is the way to go... you have more control over the gameplay with it. The only downside is that noobs to your map don't know where to look for the power weapons. You should always do a forgethrough before you play a map anyway, thats how you get a sense of the map rather than playing it a couple times.
There's no reason to use ordnance drops unless a) you're concerned with being noob friendly, and noobs in the other Halo games have gotten along just fine without waypoints on weaopns or b) you want to place a powerup, which is perfectly legitimate (although it's stupid that we're forced to place powerups on ordnance). Classic placement, as you call it, removes the stupid waypoint indicators that punish picking up power weapons by giving away your position and allows people to change the number of spare clips in each weapon.
I have to comply with Ordnance Drops. Players have been spoiled with them, so now a weapon only exists to them if it has a waypoint. Eye catching, color contrast, etc. seem to have lost their charm. Also, every player should not have to study a map prematurely before playing on it. "When you have new players playing your map, don’t tell them where to find the power weapons. Let them find it themselves."-GodlyPerfection
That quote you included completely contradicts the statement you made above it, J Dawg. The predominant problem I have with ordinance is the fact that, as Spin mentioned, the waypoints punish the players that retrieve weaponry by revealing their general location. Additionally, I feel that learning the weapon layout on a design falls into the category of map knowledge which, IMO, is just as important as player skill in Halo. Those that neglect giving the design the slightest perusal prior to playing it should naturally be at a disadvantage to those that don't. That said, I personally go with static spawns except when placing power ups. Even then, I try to keep that in a central location where connections are plentiful.
I dont mind Ordinance actually. I mean it is noob friendly but I like the way point to use as navigation. You guys make all valid points and with 1v1 maps it would be useless to tag way points onto everything but I just use it for power weapons. Just my opinion though.
But if you are forging for the playlists, you need to know which playlists the weapon spawning are disabled and which playlists the ODs are disabled. Anyone know off hand?
I like ordnance, it saves people being noobish and waiting around for a whole minute or more camping and not in the fight just to get the sniper or rockets when all the opposition controlled the map. Also being realistic guys people arn't going to play our maps as often as they do the matchmaking ones so are the majority of people going to bother getting to know each of our maps one by one before they play them? I think not. So ordnance has its place here...
I really do prefer weapon placement, but I use ordinance due to the simple fact that H4 is made to have it. My only real problem with it is ammo count but other than that it doesn't bother me. I'm just afraid noobs and others will be used to it & get mixed up on my map if I don't use ordinance.
Weapons can be levitated in the air like ordnance drops by using fixed physics, making them a bit more visible than if they were laying on the ground. Unlike in Reach, they assume normal physics after being picked up and dropped. Don't know if that was already widely known, but there it is just in case.
Surely the big negative of classic spawns in this game is the fact it despawns after 12 seconds. Thats a massive negative.
For smaller maps, I place weapons atop extraction cylinders so they can easier be seen from a distance. On larger maps, I tend to place ordinance for ease of use (for the player). I find that the smaller the map gets, the more important controlling ammo is. I have only had this happen with spartan-dropped and spawn-dropped weapons. Guns placed on the ground at start don't seem to have this issue in my experience.
In a nutshell, they both have their good points and bad points which makes them fit different roles. For BTB maps, ordnance is the way to go. You don't need to worry about giving away your position because the maps are so big, plus it can be harder to find weapons on larger maps. For 4v4 and down, classic placement is needed, it isn't as hard to find them on the smaller maps plus it is a lot more tactile so you don't want to give away your position.
I think the fact that the weapon despawns so fast after you drop it kind of helps the ordinance weapons in regards to the larger ammo count. And for the record, I have drop spawned weapons on my dust up map and they work right. They don't despawn
I use initial ordnance (usually repeating) on all my maps, for the simple reason that my customs group plays a lot of new maps week after week, and I got tired of either trying to explain where weapons are on a map no one but me has seen, or trying to find weapons on someone else's map that I'VE never seen. For a group like ours, I honestly view initial ordnance as a godsend. I'm not so fond of random (it's right there in the name) or personal, but initial works for us. The very thing that makes it annoying to competitive players - giving noobs a leg up - is actually helpful to us for getting better tests and having a better time on so many unfamiliar maps. If I were to really fine-tune the system, I'd probably have initial ordnance that doesn't respawn, then the same weapon placed on the map in the same location that doesn't spawn at start, but takes over all subsequent spawning. That way, everybody gets to see where the good weapons are, but for the remainder of the game you have to remember that information and figure out the spawn timer on your own. I've been tempted to implement this on my own maps but I fear that people are so used to playing either with or without ordnance, that a hybrid system would just confuse them.
That sounds like a really good idea to me, I might have to implement that into one of my maps to see how it goes.
If we continue to use OD as a way of appeasing noobs and making it easier, then we are sending the wrong signal. OD make the game play shallow. Does anyone know why weapon spawns would not work in MM? Was it a game type setting? or a bug?