Deluge Description: An asymmetrical map featuring a blue, red, and a neutral gold base set directly on top of the water on the Forge Island map. Play is best for Slayer and King of the Hill gametypes. The gold base is designed to be much larger, but with less opportunities to find cover. Each base can be reached either by going through the middle or by moving along the outer paths making for three entrances each. There is a banshee, though plasma pistols greatly reduce the effectiveness as it will often go careening into the water; this is meant so it is not overpowered. After a massive flood, only the summit of UNSC Training Facility Delta remains just above water. Initial Ordnance: Sniper Rifle - Off Red Base Rail Gun - Off Blue Base Scattershot - Gold Base Banshee - Respawn 180sec Random Ordnance: Shotgun/Needler/SAW Concussion Rifle/Sticky Detonator 3x Rocket Launcher/Incineration Cannon/Sniper Rifle/Binary Rifle spawn for each base tower 1x Rocket Launcher/Incineration Cannon spawn in middle Author's Notes: This is the first map that I have posted for any online forging community. Very curious to see the general reaction from the forgehub members. Screenshots: Full Map View Red Base 1 Red Base 2 Blue Base Gold Base Front Gold Base Back
Please host your images on an image hosting website (imageshack, photobucket, imgur), or they will not display properly. From what I assume are screenshots of the map on your fileshare, I feel like it might be too linear in some spots and a bit cramped for 16 players. I recommend a top-down overview shot of the map so the layout is clear and easier to analyse.
Thank you, Tony, for the image hosting website info. I've edited the pictures and they appear to showing clearly now. I also agree with it being cramped for BTB; I designed it with 4v4 in mind but allowed for 8 to a team. I realize that is probably pushing over the map's limits. Edited to state for max of 12. I will post a top-down picture at a later date. Time for bed...
very cool. I loved walking through the water. ranged battles between bases were cool. there wasn't anything drawing you to the cooler parts of the map like the water walkways and the rock ledge. maybe some more cover in low spaces or weapon spawns to draw players away from bases. nice work.
Glad you enjoyed the map, EatMySandwich. When I was creating Deluge, I had primarily built on the three bases as focal points. The walkways were then made as access areas into the bases. I assume that more people (or, at least conservative players like myself) will use the outer walkways to reach the other bases; in that respect, I think traffic will be high. I am wondering about cover on walkways though, and if there is enough. I wanted it to be fairly open, but I also don't want the walkways to be inaccessible due to incoming fire. Thanks again.
lol the water is such a tease isn't it? Looks okay. Kinda classic guardian with a bit of the cage in there. That's not a bad thing either. Although I would like to see you make things prettier. The random tunnels on the outside not being connected to anything are throwing me off. and it makes it grenade spam heaven. And alot of the spaces are too open and need more cover.
Narfidy444, I'm having trouble understanding your random tunnel comments. There are only two tunnels, both off red base, and one is created through natural rocks. The other I did attempt to connect both aesthetically and for more cover on that specific walkway. In that sense, they aren't random, but I'm not sure what your criteria are. Given that there are only two tunnels, and that they are on the outside, I'm not seeing how this qualifies as grenade spam heaven. I'm not trying to grumble about your criticisms, I just really don't follow what you're talking about as it is not specific to any one area. This also can be said for your opinion on cover. Can you point to certain areas that you would like to see more. Thank you for your comments though. I do appreciate them.