Curb Stomp

Discussion in 'Halo 4 Archive' started by Fenix Hulk, Mar 14, 2013.

  1. Noooooch

    Noooooch Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Figured I'd stop by here to bump your thread and follow up on my feedback from your preview thread. This is my unbiased feedback. Don't think that because you used Serum as a comparison to this map that my opinion is biased about this.

    Overall the map pulls off the urban theme. It resembles a particular environment and has identifiable objects like dumpsters, a street light and a bus stop. Like I've mentioned before, I dislike overly flashy maps because they still look like forged objects to me. I prefer clean and sterile maps.

    There is a mix of LoS which is good and verticality across the map. Overall there's a wide range of possible scenarios that can occur so that's good. Choke points, open areas, tac jumps, close quarters etc. are great ways to keep the player immersed in gameplay. Aesthetics won't do that on their own, but gameplay can.

    I didn't like a couple things though. First thing was the isolated towers/buildings, particularly the room with the 60s fusion coils. This room is VERY safe for players and it seems the only deterrent to keep players from camping there are the fusion coils. It doesn't seem like there are many ways to engage a payer camping up there. How many entrances are there to that exact spot? 60s is a long time for a team to hang out up there risk free.

    Dat tac jump to iCannon. It's awkward and seems like it might cause frustration. The only risk involved in securing it is this awkward tac jump and the tight choke point. It's a HUGE reward for the lack of risk involved. I'd rather see it placed on the floor and swapped for something else.

    Also, didn't like the weapon set. I personally dislike the iCannon because it is a sloppy weapon that causes many accidental suicides and betrayals. For tournament purposes a Rocket Launcher or Railgun is a better explosive weapon. The Binary Rifle is a less skillful Snipe, so again I'd rather see that weapon. I know it's cliche to see Snipers, Rockets, Rail etc but there's reasons for that. They function better than their generic counterparts (Beam Rifle, Binary Rifle, iCannon).

    Also, your map is inverse symmetrical yet you have an asymmetrical weapon layout. It's definitely different from most maps but it offers one team an advantage to one weapon and vice versa. Not the best for a tournament or a more competitive crowd, but not really a big deal either.

    Overall it's a good first map (it is your first released map right?) and is definitely grabbing the attention of many players. Looking forward to seeing your next map, but I want to see something gimmick-free from you though.
    #21 Noooooch, Mar 21, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2013
  2. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the feedback. All weapons though are evenly spaced between both sides so no team has an advantage of another. There are 4 ways to get into the back buildings with the fusion coils. The only dominant place in the building is the top floor which are very vulnerable to the fusion coils. You blow one fusion coil up, the other blows up and the blast radius is that of the floor size (killing anything on the floor). I thought anything less than 60s would be overkill with the coils.

    The weapons were actually decided by the testers. That's what they preferred and not me. The Binary rifle make killing people actually harder than the sniper b/c more times than not you'll have to snap shoot. The I.Cannon is actually pretty risky to get to during the heat of battle. More times than not, if the enemy catches you attempting to go for it, you end up dead.

    And what do you mean a map that is gimmick free? If you're referring to having a dull map or dull thread, sorry, that just isn't me. I'm an artist and I take pride in my work and will make it look as stunning as I can. Making maps is nothing new to me, forging is though. You want to see some of my professionally made maps (non forge), I can assure you I would blow some minds here.
    #22 Fenix Hulk, Mar 21, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2013
  3. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
    Senior Member

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    with all due respect to Nooooch, because I do love his creations, I think this is just one of those things where two styles clash and one side thinks the other is doing something they shouldn't. that isn't true at all. it's just two styles.

    I tend to be in the same camp as Fenix, where building a bunch of rooms is simply not enough. They've got to stand out visually as well.

    Adding a visual theme isn't a gimmick in the sense that it is THE reason you should like or dislike the map. Sure, if a map otherwise was a poor layout etc and looked great, then the visuals are a gimmick.

    But I like to create things where some forger will look at it and say "dang, how did he do that?" or "wow, I've never seen that done before". ANything less is just copying a template that someone else created.
  4. A R C A S I U S

    A R C A S I U S Promethean

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    This ^
  5. Hydrolysis

    Hydrolysis Forerunner

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    Maps set in urban environments, like Headlong, Terminal, and Turf, have been some of my favorite maps because of their aesthetic appeal! You have captured a lot of what made these maps great to play on! The challenge as forgers (with our limited resources) is always balancing aesthetics and gameplay, and it seems to me that you have expertly crafted a map that balances on that fine line! I can't wait to get the opportunity to play some games on this map!
  6. Master Em1

    Master Em1 Promethean

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    I just played it and I like it and i have some suggestions. I think the lamp post that helps you jump to top center where the cannon is could be made easier by creating a lip perpendicular to the arch that juts out. I feel that it's a bit too annoying of a jump to make especially if you're gonna put a power weapon there. I like the aesthetic of the lamp post, but it's easy to fall of. So I think compensate by changing the cannon platform, because the lamp post is a cool idea and that shouldn't be changed..

    I also think the man cannon could be phased below the surface of the ground so that you're not in the air so long. It would also maybe make it aesthetically better. Solid map tho.
    #26 Master Em1, Mar 22, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2013
  7. CrimsonVolver

    CrimsonVolver Promethean

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    I am definitely going to DL this one. I have not taken a hand to urban themes, but I plan on doing some urban themed maps in the future.
  8. xdemption

    xdemption ATN
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    at first I was wondering what the 3x1 flats were used for then it hit me like the curb (lol) literally its the darn sidewalk! This looks to be a very creative map and one I will look further into see if anything can be improved about the map. Send me a message on XBL Redemption1272 so I can keep your name in reference in the map so I can cntact you later.

  9. orangedrone

    orangedrone Promethean

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    This map has a level of quality that I appreciate. Nicely done.

    If I had to suggest anything I guess it would be to add a custom-made stationary vehicle somewhere. Just to kinda round out the whole urban vibe aesthetically.


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