Assassin's Creed Halo 4 Edition Hello fellow forgers and welcome to my newest creation: Assassin's Creed. Yes I know the idea of an Assassin's Creed map has been done before but none of the ones I have played on felt... "right". For a couple months now I have been putting this map together in hopes of creating something that really puts you in the shoes of a master assassin. Previous posts on this website from me have not[SIZE=3] been all that fantasti[SIZE=3]c, howe[SIZE=3]ver m[SIZE=3]y skill [SIZE=3]as a[SIZE=3] forge artis[SIZE=3]t has greatl[SIZE=3]y improved. [SIZE=3]Anyways, enough of my ranting. [SIZE=3]Scroll on down and check it out[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE]! UPDATE 04/26/2013: Fixed problem of players spawning outside the map borders. Map Features -Fully explorable structures (run around, on the roof, or inside/through) -Hundreds of ways to free run -"Hay bales" (low walled boxes covered with capture plates, poor camo trait zone) camo trait zone only works in slayer variant -Gravity ladder leading up to viewpoint -Viewpoint... gives unlimited AA ([SIZE=3]"Eag[SIZE=3]le"[/SIZE] Vision intended)[SIZE=3] Map only allows for Promethian Vis[SIZE=3]ion and Thruster Pack AAs -[SIZE=3]Grids (to look like the animus borders[SIZE=3]) Note:budget only allowed for two [SIZE=3]k[/SIZE]ill zones l[SIZE=3]aid where grids could not be[SIZE=3]. -[SIZE=3]2 gametypes[/SIZE] [/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE] [/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE] Gametype 1: Assassin Evasion This gametype is a flood variant. To win players must evade the invincible assassin for a set time limit (7mins default) you may wish to adjust the time limit according to the number of players in your lobby. Assassin - Impossible to kill - Slightly faster than base players - Poor camo - Equipped with sword - No AAs Runners - 200% damage resist - 125% jump height (same as assassin) - 120% movement speed -[SIZE=3] Equipped with sword - Thruster pack to juke the assassin The idea of this game[SIZE=3] type is simply to [SIZE=3]free[SIZE=3] run like a maniac [SIZE=3]in order to av[SIZE=3]oid [SIZE=3]getting owned by the assassin[SIZE=3]. [SIZE=3]Creati[SIZE=3]ng routes through the tow[SIZE=3]n and [SIZE=3]becomi[SIZE=3]ng skilled at getting [SIZE=3]around quickly [SIZE=3]may [SIZE=3]take a little practice. [SIZE=3]The[SIZE=3]re [SIZE=3]town is lai[SIZE=3]d out so th[SIZE=3]at there [SIZE=3]are[/SIZE] always multiple ways to run, no matter where you[SIZE=3] are standing[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE]. The assassin spawns on the far tower with the viewpoint, while the [SIZE=3]runners spawn in various locations on the other side of the map. Gametype 2: Assassi[SIZE=3]n Slayer (my personal favorite) Th[SIZE=3]ere is a good chance that this will be the most fun that you [SIZE=3]have ever had[/SIZE] play[SIZE=3]ing with [SIZE=3]sword[SIZE=3]s in halo [SIZE=3]4. Run arou[SIZE=3]nd th[SIZE=3]e town [SIZE=3]assassinating or str[SIZE=3]aight up sword dueling your friends. [SIZE=3]Surprise your enemies with [SIZE=3]aerial ambushes, [SIZE=3]attacks from[SIZE=3] the "hay[SIZE=3] [SIZE=3]piles" or [SIZE=3]jus[SIZE=3]t the plain old sneak up and stab. First player to 700 points wins ([SIZE=3]adjust to # of players) [SIZE=3]12 minute[SIZE=3] time cap (adjust or turn off)[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE] [SIZE=3]-The map is unchanged -Trait zones work -[SIZE=3]Normal Kills: 10 points -Unassisted Kills: 20 p[SIZE=3]oints -Assassinations[SIZE=3]: 40 [SIZE=3]points [/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE] -[SIZE=3][B][U]Base player traits[/U][/B] [SIZE=3]- 12[SIZE=3]5%[SIZE=3] move speed - 120[SIZE=3]% jump height -[SIZE=3] Unlimited ammo - Swords only - Thruster Pack or [SIZE=3]Prometh[SIZE=3]ian [SIZE=3]Vision - N[SIZE=3]o ordinance [SIZE=3]BEHOLD, THE PICTURES. [/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE]Overview #1 [SIZE=3][SIZE=3][SIZE=3][SIZE=3][SIZE=3][SIZE=3][SIZE=3][SIZE=3][SIZE=3][SIZE=3] Overview #2 [/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE] Overview #3 Overview #4 Overview #5 Overv.... nah just kidding this is the viewpoint tower In the street... you're being watched Jumping from the window onto roof Breaking into the central building through the roof A "hay pile" one of two on the map Thats all folks, thanks for viewing my post! Feedback is appreciated. ALSO if anyone really likes this map and wants to take a video of it via capture card please post it on youtube and send me a link. I would really like some video footage to put with these pictures. Have fun! - Blindsid3r[SIZE=3][SIZE=3][SIZE=3][SIZE=3][SIZE=3][SIZE=3][SIZE=3][SIZE=3][SIZE=3][SIZE=3] [/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE] [/SIZE]
I love the way you built most of your roofs. A lot of people go unoriginal-mode and just use Ramps, but you actually tried to be creative and make them differentiated, so each one of them stands out. I like that. You also made the buildings in different angles which is another huge plus, because unlike a lot of people that attempt an Assassin's Creed themed map in Halo, you did realize that they didn't make perfectly square townships back in the days. Great job overall, this map shows some great forging capabilities.
Thanks man, I really appreciate you taking the time to give me your opinion on the map. I was trying to make the township seem as believable as possible while still being fun to play on. Its good to know that I was successful
This look like a fun map, great job man! But next map you make take a bit more time and make the map perfect, you've got lots of time. Like with this map, it looks like a really fun map, but doesn't really look like assassins creed, it just looks a bit weird, but fun! Just take your time. Great job!