Slayer | Capture Zee Flag | Extraction | King of the Hill Esterno | Built in 2079 this Moscow Market has the Local Citizens Cowering in their Apartments Near by. The Bedroom Lights from their Fear Stricken Emotions Illuminate the Square as Spartans Brutally Attack One Another on an Excruciating Journey to Become the Victor. While Playing Counter Strike: GO, I was Beating my Opponents Pretty Bad, When All of a Sudden, I Saw I was Playing on Dust II. I Thought to Myself "Self, This Map Is Awesome! What if I Could Take a Similar Feel, and Bring it into Halo? Better Yet! Why Don't I Come Up With My Own Layout, But Still Give it That Counter Strike Feel?" So That's What I Did, Took Me Four Days, 11 Hours, 37 Minutes, and 16 Seconds, but it is Finally Finished. (Maybe) It's in Beta Stage Right Now, and Still Needs Testing. Overview Angled View Point Center Market Center Market From Back Red Spawn Alley Way Sniper to Center Market Initial Map Drawing (Minor Changes) But Like I Said, It Needs Testing! And Lots of It! Let Me Know If You Want to Help Test It! Oh Yeah, Cowboy Hats are Required to Play on this Map!
Make it 2-point extraction compatible and you will have that CS feel. You will have it. Its only a preview and it already looks sexy, but I don't see any ramps. I realize its just your pics but I don't see any ramps. Also are you able to go underneath the spawn levels? Can't tell from the layout...
It is 4-Point Extraction. I can bring it down to 2 though. And There are ramps, but you cannot go underneath the spawns. Tried keeping more of a CS feel you know? lol
I meant 2-point as in 2 points on the field at a time :/ There better not be 4 points on the field at a time. I would kill myself trying to cap all of those points. As for underneath the spawns maybe just add a little tunnel you can duck behind to regen your shields you know? There are no shields in CS so it wouldnt need it then but I am just looking out for the halo aspect of the map.
Haha, definitely only 2 points on the field at a time. And I can see if I can change the layout a little for a small tunnel, but I'm going to test it first.