So, been a looooooong ass time since I last did this stuff so pardon me if this is pretty basic. Anyways, Relic spiritual remake, not 100% accurate and changes have been made to the main structure. Yeah I know there are other remakes being made, but this is made of ****ing rocks and trees and ****. So yeah, had to do some weird **** to set it up for one flag the way it should be played, but it still needs work obviously. Workin on spawns and making it not so damned barren. Also fun fact: everything parallel to the sides of the big base is going at a 25° angle, that shits fun to forge on.
The structure in the second picture looks cool, except that its just floating. I'm assuming its supposed to be forerunner though?
Thats part of what I was looking for second opinions on, I definitely have enough budget and pieces to work up some supports on the sides, just thought I should get opinions on it without them first to possibly save the effort if people like it this way. I don't really have any specific theme in mind for that tower so, yeah.
Ah, I saw this when I was in your lobby with Urban! It's looking much better than before, and I'm liking that central Forerunner structure. A little suggestion that I think would improve the look of it: round off the top and bottom so they're pointy, and perhaps have Vehicle Lifts underneath it to give a reason of why it's floating. Other than that, everything looks pretty cool.
add those supports, and the structure would look very cool IMO. unless you want to add some visual indication that something is holding it up or providing anti-grav.
looks really cool! I don't think Forerunner structures have a reason to float do they? they just do which is what makes them mysterious... if I remember correctly.
Yeah, I'll try out both the grav lifts and some support beams and see which looks better. And I'll see what I can do for the very top and bottom.
looks good but i dont like how its just randomly floating :/ might just be me but seems a bit quickly done, needs some sort of platform with a wall linking the floating bit and the floor at least but still and also it seems a little too open, it is a problem on these new islands because they are perfectly flat so theres no natural variation in height which is a problem that ive found so it makes it harder but i think it has potential, i see how your trying to make this and where your going with it just needs to be thought out a little more and then yeah
Yeah, testing has proved it too be too... flat. Which is a real disappointment, but I hve decided I may just scrap some of the ideas I used here and put them to use on a smaller, more practical map.