[video=youtube_share;qjzpbPdJeVY]http://youtu.be/qjzpbPdJeVY[/video] This map has been in the works since December 2012; The concept for this map revolves around the idea that this was once a Covenant Forward base in the early years of the first wars. It was abandoned and taken over by UNSC forces. There is a dome-shaped platform in the center, and two bases linked by man cannons on opposing sides. The Vanguard dome is completely playable, even without Banshees. In these cases you can have 4v4 as long as players seek to engage each other, rather than camping out in the bases. The map within the dome is vertical, with man cannon lifts and ramped bridges leading from top to bottom, and a little investigating will find several unique and not-so-obvious pathways from the top to the bottom, particularly near the Red and Blue platforms inside the dome, where there are two (each) drop ins that take players to the lower hall. There are other Banshee-themed gametypes as well. KOTH is set up with the KOTH hills preset to lower gravity for jep packing players to launch into the hill and try to disable or hijack enemy banshees. Of course, this is also opportunities for banshee-driving players to get vehicle kills or splatters. SWAT plays well on here, no vehicles of course. I wish Oddball allowed players in vehicles to pick up the ball, but alas, not possible. As this map is in Impact, there are several skill jumps, esp to the center of the map, which means failed jumps can lead to a trip into the abyss, so be careful. I have spent literally hours upon hours inside this map, and at one point because of a glitch with the Forge I had to almost completely start over—but I am not unhappy with the end result. I have made dozens of maps over the years, going back to Halo 3 when merging objects was still just a glitch, so I hope you can tell by this map that I am an experienced forger, though admittedly most of my maps are simply enjoyed in Custom Games with friends, though I have submitted maps to contests like “Meet Your Maker,” and Forgetacular back with Reach. I am taking my forging a little bit more seriously these days, so you will be seeing more of my maps posted to this forge group as well as in other forge communities. I have two other maps that have the conceptual architecture finished, but need playtests, feedback, and refined weapon layouts and spawning. CrimsonVolver
I'm trying to imagine your map in my head, it sounds intriguing. Your picture isn't working (for me at least). Since you posted this about an hour ago I figure that it's a problem with me, or you don't know about it.
I honestly don't know. I can see it fine from my screen. Not sure what could be happening. Try using Firefox, if you are not. That is what I am using. I would suggest downloading it--you really won't be disappointed. CrimsonVolver.
I take that back. It was there before, now it is gone. Not sure what happened to it. Just go to my fileshare link, and you can look at my screen shots. I need to go to bed. Will amend this image thing tomorrow. CV
I can't see your image either. The best way to get pictures into your post is to upload and save them on to another website (ex: Photobucket). I went ahead and checked out some of the images you've uploaded to your file share, and I gotta say...this map looks pretty shnazzy! The way you created the spherical structure is very impressive! I definitely recommend getting the pictures properly posted to the thread b/c most people won't take the time to check out your file share images. I'll definitely give this a download soon!
Here it is. I just used Facebook. Thought I could copy the image location from Waypoint, but somehow did not work. Hope you can see it now. CrimsonVolver
Wow, Hydrolysis was right, that looks incredible. I'd love to see more though (others too, no doubt). Market your map! A good website to host images is imgur.com, for future reference.
Thanks. I just forgot you can use Facebook. I have more images to share from one of our Team Banshee battles on Infinity Slayer. Will show a few now.
Added more screenshots to the original post. Will add some more, as the interior has some architectural fixes from my last theater visit. CV
This map looks incredbly unique... Nice aesthetics! I just did a little flythrough on it. That the mancannon which leads back to the banshees doesn't work with normal gravity (when you drop on it from the sealing shields) is a bit confusing. You may have made some gametypes with lower gravity, but in my opinion a trait zone with lower gravity would maybe do a better job (or simply a different sealing shield placement)... The man cannon lift that leads to it is also deadly sometimes (if you have no jetpack), because it can push you off the map... On the aesthetics part I noticed that the 3x1 flats around the deathball are a bit overlapping and flickering aswell as some other "ground" pieces. To give you more feedback I would have to play on it first.^^ If you need test players for the next version just message me on Xbox Live! =)
Thanks. The mancannons are set to normal gravity, but I think I know what is wrong with the lower gravlifts. I added the shields for effect and they have been quirky since then. I will remove them, and look a the satelites around the killball as you suggested. I am in Forge now on a different map. Will jump in there in a bit. Thanks CrimsonVolver.
I just finished revising the upper middle and fixing the lower mancannon issues. I will do some screenshots later this evening when I get back on xbl and upload the new version to my fileshare. The middle catwalk around and over the kill ball had been an afterthought, and I got so caught up with all the other details I had forgotten to go back and do it right. I think you will agree the reimagining is much much better. Let me know what you think when you preview the updated version). CV
I'm having a hard time imagining how this map plays. I guess I'll have to give it a go to see if it's good. A lot of people think it's good though.
It looks definetly better now! =) Please invite me to your next forge session, to let me show you some small things that would be easy to fix.^^
Roughsta, I will, no problem. Always eager to learn new forging techniques. I am part of a group of forgers called Friday Night Customs. We tend to have open lobbies every night of the week, but Fridays are the big one. I have been told Vanguard and at least one of my other maps will be featured tonight. If you want to join the lobby opens up around or before 7:30 EST. I will be on for that, and also later. Let me know if you are on at all tonight. I tried to send you a friend request, but your friend's list is full.
Thanks. post back to this thread and let me know what you think after you check it out. There will be a custom lobby 7:30 Look up Friday Night Customs on Facebook to get in if you want. Vanguard will be featured, and it is large enough for a btb. CV
Friday Night Customs is hosting open lobbies tonight. 7:30pm EST. Find out more info by looking them up on Facebook. CV
I have created a 2.0 version of Vanguard. Game tested it tonight, and will complete some additional modifications per feedback. So far I have expanded the use of the middle, removed the kill ball and deleted the outer bases (and the man cannons). We played the map with 6v6 and it played quite well. The Banshees are on expanded platforms on the main structure, with two off the lower chamber, but I am going to do some additional remodelling tonight and hopefully post to the forums. I have added Extraction, and after some reworking I think I can also add dominion, but in a fashion I played on a Trenches remake tonight in custom games, which makes Dominion less of a camper gametype, and more competitive. Stay tuned! CV
Thank you for showing me the new version yesterday =) ! I think you did a great job in compacting the map and focusing more on competitive gameplay aspects... I'm still a bit worried wether there could be maybe a bit to less cover around, but we will see how it plays in the test games...