Did you try changing the orientation of the ramp in your test? Could it be that the angle was optimal, but if turned along one of the axis it would do poorly?
are you asking him if you might get different framerate results based on the orientation of an item? Or are you thinking mostly of shadow/light budget? I know framerate is a bit off-topic, though defintely closely related. it would be great if you could also participate in this thread if you have any insights about which pieces are more or less framerate intensive! Thank you
I am asking more about his experimental processes... he didn't really explain in detail how he went about it, just a general statement, so there is no way to know how many potential variations he took into account or verified were not relevant. Just a hunch of something I might have tried out of curiosity, that's all...
@ MrGreenWithAGun - I tried multiple variations. Object orientation doesn't affect your lighting budget.
i'll have to double-check, but I do not believe Dominion objects cast any sort of shadow, so would not impact your overall lighting budget. Correct if wrong...
What i dont get is how come, if the building blocks are so light on processing, why they limit them to 100? i run out of them WAY before i should and then i gotta use pieces with ****in glass out the ass etc. and my map ends up a lagging p.o.s and i cant stand that so i resort to changing plans.. Why dont they limit the ones that are 100 and just make it so you can put as many blocks as u want until ur money is out???
The last 343i update change the Forge's lightning system. The invisible budget for Erosion is now over 15,200$.
because they have no clue? framerate, memory usage, and lighting all can be used up by pieces, so there's more to it than just the lighting issue. But surely they could have allocated a better points scheme to the pieces so that one didn't find it as easy to create laggy and broken maps. has this been verified using Warholic's testing method?
do you know whether the budget has effectively been increased or if they improved the weight of certain items so that they use less of this invisible budget? just curious... and did that affect Impact & Ravine?
No, I don't know ... But I can put more objects without the fail of lightning. And I didn't test on Ravine and Impact. But I'll. :3
Wow, this is a great reference that I use all the time. You put alot of time into this and I'm grateful that you could share it with the community.
I think the lighting is worse than it was before... Now instead of losing all of your lighting you lose lighting on certain objects. I'm working on a map on Impact and I'm to the point where I'm losing lighting on some blocks and its causing random spots of light on the ground that looks completely stupid. I would rather have no light than random spots of light in a closed off room...
ive just hit a limit on impact. theres no light derping as such, but it doesnt look right and is noticable - though much better than before. its still generating the light, so i am a bit confused...
@Wraith - I noticed the same thing. They disabled dynamic lighting on certain pieces, making them more efficient like some in the list. Problem with that is they appear lighter than surrounding pieces when placed in dark/enclosed environments. Not the best solution in m opinion. Unoverated's map, Laguna, on Erosion looks 10 times worse now because of this differentiation. Black flooring, etc. PS - Not going to be able to revise this list as I'm very busy with The Halo Council and judging two contests at the moment. It's also much more difficult to break lighting now.
I've been running some experiments with the new lighting budget recently, and I've actually come up with a few interesting discoveries. I'd be glad to try and figure out exacts numbers/reasons for the happenings of this new glitch if you'll be busy for a while. Of course, there's no promise I'll be done any time soon either.
May someone please experiment with Forge Island's dynamic lighting and the new "light prices" of objects? I will be forever in your gratitude.