Hey guys, I've been a hoverer for a while. Here is the first map I have posted in a while. It is on Forge Island and it is not quite finished yet. I built this map in about 45 minutes and I was just checking in to see if you guys have any suggestions. This map is for 2v2 to 4v4 (although it would be packed) CTF and Slayer. This is a very close quarters map that is centered around CTF. And yes, it is inspired by Beaver Creek. Description: These interesting rock formations have made for the perfect close quarters War Games simulation. Overview: Red Base: Blue Base: View from Red Base: So yeah, tell me what you guys think and what I can improve on. Thanks -Drk500
cool. I definitely like where you're going with this. the creeks are true classics that are great for what now days, is a smaller party. Is it about the size of Battle/Beaver? if so, I'd try to discourage the 4v4 label for this map. couple things to consider... are those bases really... bases? Can you go inside of them or if not, are they defensible in any way? Other that a little bit of cover, I can't tell for sure. Other suggestion would be a few less trees and a few more rocks scattered around for providing different paths and cover. Two rocks placed not too far from each other can provide an encounter with more than one possible outcome. That makes the gameplay interesting in my opinion. It gives each player a need to try and predict which rock the enemy will jump out from behind, or is hiding behind. good luck
This map is probably 50% bigger than beaver creek. The bases are not actually bases, but I have have an idea to make it that way. I like your idea with the rocks as cover. I might expand the map on the sides a bit to make it more 4v4 friendly. Thanks for the feedback and ill be back with an edit after school
cool. also, I see some variation in the height of trees, but try to add a lot more variation. It will look more natural. Not just two or three types of tree pieces, but phasing them into the ground to varying degrees.
I would also add more height variation on the map. Other than the bases and the rock arch the map is flat. Adding different heights will make gameplay more interesting
Hey guys, update. I've added a middle platform for more height variation, an interior to the bases, two rock arches, and taken out a lot of trees to add some rocks as cover. I've also played with the trees so they're not all the same now. Now the map is compatible with CTF and Infinity Slayer. If you have anymore feedback, then feel free to share please. Thanks -Drk500 Pics: Overview: Red Base: Middle Platform: Blue Base: Thanks again 4chub.
Is the platform in the middle overpowered? It looks like you can see about the whole map and you can use the columns as a cover. Try to get some friends together and try the map out to see if the middle is over powered.
I think I like the changes, but as Knight said, you may want to balance out how powerful the middle platform is (if it is OP) also, how is orientation here? is it easy to tell which base you are facing? It seems like the lighting would help that, but not sure...
Maybe add a lift or two from each base to get to the center platform, would reduce the ability too just camp up there with camo and back smack anyone who comes up lift.
I actually thought about the center maybe bein OP. I'll try to play test when I got off of retreat. Also the orientation is questionable. I'll try to look at that also when I get home.
Hey guys. Back again with another update. When I get home I'm gonna make this map KoH compatible and maybe oddball compatible. Also, I'm trying to find somebody that is maybe more experienced to come and take a look at the map and really get into it to critique it. thanks -drk500
that is very nice, not too sure about the middle platform looks like it might be too overpowered but overall it looks nice the bases look very nice and well thought out
Hey guys, Drkruler500 here and I'm back with another Overlook update. I have made a video of the close to finished version that I wanted to show you guys to give you people a better variety of perspectives. Here you go: Also, a list of things I changed: 1: Height of Central Platform 2: Added new routes to central platform (6 in all: fallen trees, arches, lift, and the rock formation near it) I didn't do gravity shooty things (Brain fart) at the bases because it is a CTF map and that would make the flag too easy to capture Thanks again Forgehub -Drk500