Canyon walls are simply a method for player containment. A cliff would do precisely that. The way i looked at it for Sidewinder was, it has rock walls, they're just much lower and facing the other direction. Of course, you can't drive a full 'hog off a rock wall.
those trying to save Rock 5 pieces may want to look at building against one of the cliffs and stealing a wall already created, if the shape is right that is.
I've remade Sanctuary on Forge Island, and I'm currently adding final touches to it. I believe it is decent aethetically and it plays really well. The current weapon and spawn setup are suited for Throwdown settings currently though, but I'll make a cvariant with classic spawning and weapons, ala Halo 2. The map is in my fileshare for those interested( GT=Heroyc) Here's a link for a walkthrough of a past version, just to get a taste:
Also, someone needs to remake Hang em High on the Forge Island. The colours fit the map almost perfectly IMO.
Any classic map (including non-Halo) works, but I only listed Halo maps in the first post for inspiration. Yep, think of Hemmorage on Forge World. One end was enclosed, the other went into the water, being open. For maps that seem unfair by opening one end of the map (red or blue base), the cliff can be used for the side of the base, similar to how the Sanctuary remake was on Forge Island (Asylum?). You know, now that I think about it, using the cliff edge and increase budget on Forge Island might bode well for Rat's Nest.
I'm attempting a Battle Creek remake right now using the natural blocks to make it as accurate to the original. I know someone else mentioned working on one but I still want to see what I can pull off.
Would like to encourage anyone who thinks there's no proper remake of Burial Mounds to go ahead and download my latest version of it (forged on Ravine) and give it a shot, in case you haven't already. I put a lot of time and effort into my Burial Mounds and would like for it to be considered before it's said that there's no proper remake of it. For your consideration, here's a list of maps that are considered to be proper remakes: Classic Map Remakes - Halo 4 I remade Burial Mounds because no one else had done it yet, and I would love to see a better one come out, especially now that we have Forge Island and it's unlikely that I'm going to be re-remaking it any time soon.
im currently planning a last resort re-make will take some time though, probs be one of my longest builds yet, but i want to give it a go odviously the fan wont be moving :/ which wont give it the same atmosphere but i might do it so the blade is in slight ruins and the rest will be same as well as i can do
Here's a link to my zanzibar/last resort remake in reach. You can use it to help you out with scaling and piece usage.
okay thanks a bunch thas going to help alot, im not starting it until ive re-sized or re-done one of my maps because i feel its too open, and needs to be smaller so should start it tomorrow
Checked out the Impact map just now. It's well done but I think it's a tad bit off. You could have easily saved on pieces in some areas to make other areas more accurate. The warthog alley is tiny! Some of the buildings are really cramped too. I want to really give it proper treatment. Budget is going to be the toughest part. Would like to see how your Forge Island version is going. I'll show you mine also if you'd like. Even though I just started.