Hello, i'm new to these forums so bare with me.... I did a little search on here as well as google and i have found little to no information regarding the "yaw glitch" in the halo 4 forge. More specifically, has there been a fix for this yet besides just editing the map by yourself offline? That would be mind-numbing considering all the pieces and traps i have set up for a particular map i'm making. In fact, this glitch has completely stopped me from forging all together because i don't want to constantly fix maps my friends and i make, let alone getting my hopes up on a map only to have every piece adjusted, thus wasting my time. I was hoping that with this new forge island they offered that there would also be a small update fixing this insulting glitch. I enjoy forge so much and it breaks my heart that this issue is destroying a large chunk of this game for me and others. Any and all information regarding this yaw problem would be ultra-helpful and much appreciated
What yaw problem? Is this the glitch where you turn an object down 45 degrees for example ten try to turn it in the x-axis by 45 degrees and it just goes in some weird ass angle? Just turn the angle to off and do it manually by eye, it's a biatch but what else can u do. And if ur referring to when u reload a map and every piece had been moved by a few degrees then don't let any oft join your forge session. If somebody else pulls host then it will screw everything up
Welcome to Forge Hub! Unfortunately, I do not believe the Yaw glitch has been fixed. There are workarounds, such as nudging the Yaw of a Forge object by one unit out position, causing it to snap into its desired position when saving the map. I also do not believe that editing offline will make a difference, as the glitch is caused during the map-saving process. I could be wrong on this, however. Keep checking back to this thread, as there's bound to be others with more information than I have to offer. Also, please don't let this glitch stop you Forging! Keep at it if you enjoy it - the glitch isn't as bad as it seems, and affects bigger Forge objects a lot more than it affects smaller objects. EDIT: To elaborate on what A R C A S I U S mentioned... If you start up a Forge game with more than one player in your game lobby, all Forge objects will dramatically shift position. This may be the problem you're experiencing because you're describing it as a much more severe problem than it actually is.
It may be a combination of both. The multiple clan members making a map together, plus the glitch when it saves. As far as i know the "yaw glitch" is --- when a game is loaded all of the objects have their yaw adjusted by .1 percent in either direction randomly. When left unchecked, it compounds on itself every time you save making tunnels seem crooked or floors un-even creating "lips" that you can't walk over without jumping. When all is corrected by say, 2 forge players, we save, reload, and it is still the same odd placement of the objects. Sometimes it transcends making a map look sloppy and almost completely ruins the idea/object trying to be created. I've heard that i can fix this by adjusting EVERY SINGLE OBJECT BY MYSELF IN AN OFFLINE GAME, then re-saving it as a different map. I'm not even sure if this would be considered a fix because if i loaded it again in forge, it might just reset the placements after the edit. So even if i did do that, i would be unsure if the map had flaws because i can never know for sure if it's loading it correctly. Plus i would have wasted a whole day "fixing" it and then it would all be for nothing. I wouldn't feel right submitting something like that based on a guess for a possible solution. It's quite the conundrum Thanks for the welcome by the way! EDIT: I'm not trying to insult anyone by saying that it's a guess. Everyones guess is as good as mine at this point, lol. I just want to have complete faith in the concreteness of the map editor or at least know for sure that what i'm doing is a workaround before i submit. If i uploaded a flawed map i'd kick myself.
If you're forging with friends, have everybody save the map and then go look at it. One person should have a less-screwed-up copy than everybody else. For some reason it truncates off-host files significantly more erratically. Beyond that, the coordinate truncation is there because we're editing in degrees. If they just let us work in radians (afaik that's what the game engine converts it to) there would be no need for truncation in the majority of cases, and everything would be smooth, but alas, we're stuck converting from one system to another. The filesize of maps would be a lot bigger (or at least more variable) if they didn't truncate the values, and instead converted them with greater accuracy.
Yeah, have the host save the files and you should be good. If you have no idea who's host, just get everyone to save the map and find out who's host. No solution beyond that. Save your game before you let anyone enter your map if you're forging solo. That's pretty much it.
i suggest co-forging not "together" but having a plan of who is going to work on what. pass around a "hammer" copy of the file, which is the most recent, working copy. you make some edits, tell your friend to pick up that new file before doing his work... rinse repeat. doing co-forge sessions are probably great idea sharing and hang-out times, so it sucks that you have to do workarounds...
It's compounding for you? That's very odd. As others mentioned, it's a file format problem that happens because the rotation numbers are stored to the wrong precision. In other words, it's a rounding problem, and (assuming you don't perform additional rotations) the game should only ever have to round the number once.