You've also got Hitler. INTJs have the 9th incarnation of the Doctor, and Gandalf. (Who care's if they're fictional?). These too.
INTP mates include mostly scientists and philosophers which is cool, and some politicians which is not so cool (except for Lincoln). I got Darwin, Einstein, Descartes and Garry Kasparov.
Dirty necropost, apologies. I've learnt recently that ENTPs can often misidentify as introverts, as they are seen as the most introverted extroverts, as ENTPs like to have time alone to 'recharge' from social interaction. don't know about perception/judging though. you know INFJs and ENTPs are romantically complementary according to some
INTJ for the third time, but just barely again: Old: New: Introvert(44%) iNtuitive(50%) Thinking(1%) Judging(11%) [*=left]You have moderate preference of Introversion over Extraversion (44%) [*=left]You have moderate preference of Intuition over Sensing (50%) [*=left]You have marginal or no preference of Thinking over Feeling (1%) [*=left]You have slight preference of Judging over Perceiving (11%)
Jesus Christ, I thought INTJs were supposed to be either one of or the rarest types, but not only have I been proven wrong by going through this thread again, but even in real life I find myself surrounded by my likeness. Two of my best friends, the girl I'm currently seeing, and a couple of my previous lab partners have been INTJ as well. I suppose it's just because we share a similar pursuit of the sciences, and oft opt to staying indoors vice going out a lot.
maybe biased sampling? just retook it, changed from an ENTJ to an INTJ a full AP load will do that to you...
I'm INTJ but I don't favor the sciences, and I don't really mind being outside vs inside as long as it's a good temperature... But then again, I'm just barely INTJ Edit: Took mine again and got INFJ... finally it changed. Plus, INTJ was getting boring