Hey guys, just finished off a great new map made off of Forge Island. I haven't really gotten to play test it with my friends but it'd be cool if you and your friends can play through it and hand me back feedback. Title OUTPOSTS Two science outposts were demanded for construction for further study of Requiem. 4v4 (Description Pending) Capable Modes - Slayer Gametypes - CTF Gametypes - King Of The Hill - 2 Teams Fully Supported (Red Vs Blue) Currently expanding on gamemodes after feedback Map Described A narrow map with two bases on opposite ends with a middle bridge. This is a land 4v4 map which includes 4 mongooses per team. This map's prime gamemode is CTF. Pictures 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Download Now! Please leave feedback here if you can of your observations and recommandations. Have a good day :>
could you please embed the photos in the thread, its much easier than clicking the links every time. other that that i clicked the links and i think it looks decent. I will give it a download and see how it plays tomorrow night. Looks like dmr might be really powerful as can often be the problem with narrow maps but trees might break up line of sight well. As I said i will download it and test game play.
Planned Updates [In The Future] Map fixes: -More kill boundaries -Add colour to colourless objects -Edit bases -More spawns -Less 'open space' -Fix Spawn Loadout Camera -More detail, extra objects Weapon fixes: -More weapons -Move around weapons -Fix weapon spawn times -Make Jetpack less op [less places to 'Jetpack' to] Gametype Additions: -Add Dominion support -Add Oddball support -Add Grifball support [you'll see..] Additional Fixes/Additions: -Film.. Easter egg -The other island.. Easter egg -Out of the park! Easter egg -Prometheus' Incenerator.. Easter egg -New description And those are the planned updates for the coming weekend. Stay tuned.