Solar Rim Description: Solar Rim is a Abandoned Construction Site, That has a rich new material directly underneath it, Which can be use to create stronger Ammo, Armor, and Weaponry. Each Spartan Tean now wants to get its hands on. (This Map Plays with Dominion.) Bases: Aplha Vehicles: Mongoose & Rocket Hog Bravo Vehicles: Mongoose & Scorpion Tank Charlie (Also known as Dump Site) Vehicles: Mongoose & Mantis Weapons on Map: Initial Drops: 1 Sniper & 1 Rocket Launcher Each Base has its own Re-supply Drops Screenshots: Charlie Base Top View Broken Bridge/Platform Charlie Base Alpha Base Interior Rear of Alpha Base Alpha Base Alpha Base Crane (There is a Lift under it to get to the top where Initial Sniper Drop) Over View
This looks great. You've added a clear theme and its aesthetically pleasing. I'll give it a DL tonight and test it out. I only have one concern, i do not know where spawns are until i play it but usually in dominion teams start near bases A and B. and based on your description that mean one team gets a rocket hog and the other a scorpion. Might end up as an advantage might not because hog is more mobile and still packs a punch. Again i would need to see this in gameplay.
Each Team spawns close to a Base CORRECT. Alpha does get a Rocket Hog, Charlie gets Scorpion, and Bravo gets Mantis. It actually plays GREAT. All my friends loved it, besides one of my friends quests complained it was to big he couldnt find any players -.-