Intro: Greetings fellow Forgers, I would like to introduce my First Map created on Forge Island. Tell me what you think, and what I can improve. I will not judge feedback. so without any further ado. Here is Aluminum. This Map is Created on Forge Island's Largest Island, This Map is inspired of Longbow, as you can tell by the Center Structure. Due to the low Forge Budget I could not make a Complete Longbow Remake (Thou that was my Original Idea) So I just made it into my own. Game Types: - Big Team Infinity Slayer (16 Players) - Infinity Slayer (4-16 Players) - Free For All (4-16 Players) Weapons on Map: - Initial Rocket Launcher at Red Spawn and Blue Spawn (Like Longbow) - Initial Sniper Rifle at Red Spawn and Blue Spawn (Like Longbow) - 5 Random Drops through the Map Vehicles on Map: - 2 Warthogs at Red Spawn and Blue Spawn - 2 Mongooses at Red Spawn and Blue Spawn - 1 Ghost at Red Spawn and Blue Spawn Screenshots:
Looks nice but i don't really see the purpose of remaking a map already in halo 4. Either way though it looks like a good map.
Its not a Remake, I just figured since Longbow is one of the Loved Maps on Big Team that I would make a Map that is based off Longbow
Eh, I do not like how you originally wanted this to be a Longbow remake. It is not that I have a problem with the map, but sufficing with something different because you do not have enough resources is like aborting a fetus for not being a boy and adopting one instead. Seriously, though, your output from all of the work forging you must have put into this is beautiful aesthetics and an original theme. According to my vigilant eyes, I only see a few problems. There seems to be no theme to the map. There is no storyline or background to the map (my personal quirk). In the third image, trees are growing on the rocks. It looks nice, but the hyper-realistic side of me hates that. In the fourth image, everything in the middle is unattractive. You have a strange structure above the large crate, and the shack is ugly, along with its (too wide and non-centered) ramp. Other than that, if you at least respond to my issues somewhat accordingly and tune the gameplay in testing games, it will on my special list of downloaded maps (you will be my first).
Well personally I dont know what a fetus and adoption has to do with this map....I seen UGLY maps before in my life, I think this map compared to some Maps looks nice. So here is my opinion to your reply. 1. I do make FORGE ART, check my screenshots on my File Share before judging me on only One Map you seen from me 2. Maps dont need background story's, that's a waste of time, I doubt people care about a background story, they just want it to play good. 3. Maps that I know have Themes are Flood Maps. Nothing else 4. Everything is Unattractive? well duh maybe it is, to you...But Running out of Budget and making something nice at the same time isnt all that easy. 5. Trees growing on Rocks? not being real? I seen Rocks grow out of Sliffsides and Rocks in Games. If they give you actual Grass I would of put Grass under the Threes. 6. I don't know where you see a odd Structure above a large Crate? that Structure is behind the Crate. The Ramp leading up to the center DOES NOT HAVE TO BE CENTER. I think if EVERYTHING in Forge Maps is Center and Straight it would be pretty boring if there is no Curve or Shape to things.
firstly you should try and keep your responses more respectful and less argumentative. Also i agree with what J DAWG said. 1. all maps should have a theme not necessarily a like in flood but you should be able to tell what it is. Not just random buildings and rocks. - see my map sweatshop for an example; it is all one one comprehensible building. 2. I also like to have a back story. - again see sweatshop as i have added back story to it, not only visible in the description but, more importantly, in the map as well. 3. I don't think trees and rocks are too important but it doesn't look pretty and overall subtracts from the aesthetic of the map. 4. Again just having random structures subtracts from the aesthetic of the map. Try and make everything fit a theme or idea keep the map as clean and visually pleasing as possible.
Alright well everyone I know loved how this map played, and thats what mattered to me, Thanks for the advice? I'll keep that in mind for next time.
I will be honest and truthful and if no one likes this then well that's your problem not mine. This is to the two guys that posted their opinion about a stupid background story and theme to this map. I think you two should not run around looking at maps on forgehub just to judge someones map/maps. I personally played on this map and helped test it and the gameplay was just great I enjoyed playing on this map and deffinetly saved this map to play with my friends and share it. I think the only types of maps that I have seen here on forge hub that have a background story and a theme to them are mostly flood gametype maps or dominion or anything like that. This is a BTB ( Big Team Infinity Slayer Custom Map ) this is not a retarded flood map. I know the guy personally who made this map because he is my brother. I helped forge this map as well as play test it and I have some pretty OK maps that most people think are so incredibly AWESOME and in all honesty they suck with asthetics they weren't smooth maps to play on everything is croocked and jagged and unrealistic. I say if you wanna judge a persons map remind yourself that you only get a $10,000 budget in FORGE and that some of the items are insanly expensive so making a beautiful map wiht asthetics and good looks and good gameplay then guess what its not easy with a budget that small and like I said earlier in this post in this reply that if you don't like what I have to say well then that's your problem and not mine. NOT every map that people make HAS TO HAVE a lame background story or a lame theme to it. The most important thing on a map that someone makes is that it plays well and that people enjoy playing on it and have fun.
Look lSynapsl please take sometime to get acquainted with forgehub before making your first post, a rage post. A theme does not mean writing a novel of background about your map. It means making your map make sense in the halo universe. It should be something that would plausibly be a forerunner structure, unsc ship, etc. Take a look at all the featured maps: 1. Curb Stomp - A human City 2. Endfall - Also a human base/city - urban theme 3. Radient - Arena style base All these maps have a clear theme and fit that theme. Aesthetics are just as important as game play in a map. In order to become a very good forger you must balance both aesthetics and game play. We are here to simply offer advise and criticism so new forgers can improve their skills.
Ok to get something straight before accusing me of raging. 1. I did not rage in my first post comment 2. If you think because someone stated their opinion and their mind is raging then I think you should seriously pick your words accordingly before accusing someone of raging. 3. I worked on this map and played on this map personally and the gameplay is just as amazing as the map looks. 4. No one ever said that you have to like the map. There might be other people on forgehub that find this map pleasing to look at and might actually play this map. 5. No not EVERY map HAS to HAVE a theme or background story. It is time consuming and for me a waste of time forgers wanna get their map out there to get played on and not read boring background stories about the map. 6. And before accusing someone of raging in their first forum comment post I suggest that you read it twice before commenting on what I said because I clearly stated that " This is just my opinion and I will be truthful and honest and if you don't like honesty well then that's your problem " if you get offended because of what someone said truthfully and honestly and stating their opinion and what they think than that's kinda messed up no offense getting offended about someone stating their opinion and their mind is just messed up and like I said no offense intended. That is all I have to say so just please do me a favor next time before accusing me think of what your gonna write before posting it thanks.
got lost in wall of text... stopped reading because head was spinning. face it, you post maps here because you want feedback. don't take it all so personally that someone finds some things to improve about your map. that's what this forum is largely for. themes and backstories aside, there is more to making a map work well than just having your friends try it out. their opinions will be biased because they are your friends. Take into account what non-friends (notice I did not say enemies) have to say too. You shouldn't compromise on things you feel you must do with your map, but at least try to experiment with the suggestions provided. That will help you grow as a forger and create new maps that can cater to many different kinds of players.
Wow I dont know why people have to argue on my mature really. Thanks for all the Feedback people, I appreciate it. MORE MAPS COMING!
umm... they are arguing because you were first offended by someone's suggestion (that you now say you appreciate) and asked a friend of yours to rush to your defense in the thread.
A. I saw never offended, I just said I found no point to have a background story. B. I never asked a friend to rush to my defense sorry to tell you, that person is my brother and he tends to take crap way to serious. So I never asked him to post anything. I appreciate all feedback from others therefor I know what I can improve on.