This map introduces a different idea compared to the other maps. We put 2 bases on either side of the map and a big wall splitting the field in half. Also on either side of the walls are a wide variety of human/covenant vehicles. The chaos is intentional. Please remember to rate on my bungie file share.Credits: Gsnyper35, TJS74 Download Here Screenshots: Vehicular War 1 Vehicular War 2 Vehicular War 3 Vehicular War 4 Vehicular War 5 Vehicular War 6 Vehicular War 7 This map has been tested and designed for Slayer, Team Slayer. Please feel free to expiriment and let me know what else is good on it. Constructive criticism is welcome.
From pics looks like lots of open space. And lots of high power weapons in same spot, and vehicles are everywhere.
hmm all i can see is alot of weapons and vehiculars so it's a 3/5 for me too. and please embed your pics.
This map does not appear to be well thought out, the vehicles are placed next to the same type of vehicle rather than spread out also it is very weapon heavy.
not looking to bad.Could do with embeding the images though.Ps Message me on xbox live i will help.My gamertag is Etgamer114
It looks like whoever spawns by the power weapons are going to win the fight, they can pick up the rocket launcher turn left and blow up the warthogs and there you go a double or triple kill waiting to happen. Consider placing less power weapons and not all in the same place. Same thing goes with vehicles.
This really does look like a hectic map, but you need to embed your pictures before the moderators take it down.