Excuse the bad video quality Hey guys This is my water city map which i've been working on the past day or so. It's a little rough around the edges but the overall layout will be like this. The inspiration behind this was architecture from the middle east, particularly dubai as they have some amazing structures in the UAE. So yeah here it is, feel free to give me feedback on the layout and aesthetics, but keep in mind it still needs alot of work. Gametypes: 4v4 infinity slayer, koth, oddball, ctf, flood, dominion (hopefully) Cheers! A R C A S I U S
looks sick man, good job! love the dominion piece white light aesthetics....and the map design is slick and cleanly forged. love it.
Thanks man, yeah the lights coupled with the fog really give off that early morning, dreary sort of feel
Beautiful architecture! I can't help but feel that the map might benefit from some greenery, though; maybe some trees or small rocks in tin-cup planters. Also, I think "Paradise Gate" could be a fitting name for the map. I get a much more tropical feel than "Hell Harbor" suggests.
Hey thanks for te feedback. Initially I imagined te map being an abandoned dock or port hence why I haven't added any greenery. But come to think of it greenery might look nice if its a few gardens here and there but ill work through that, and the title I just randomly came up with for the purpose of this thread I have a mental blank when it comes to what to call it. Paradise gate sounds nice, if you have any other suggestions then please let me know about them ^_^
nice! as for the greenery, it would make sense that if a facility is abandoned, that it would have overgrowth of plants pushing through the concrete etc. I'm sure you could come up w/ something good. kudos on using the mist
cheers man! this map has gone up surprisingly quick Yeah im mucking around with quite a few things now but there's so many possibilities I don't know what to settle on haha
Hey are you able to put it in your fileshare what you've done? I can't wait to see how you made some things, like that red computer screen! by the way I like the name Hell Harbor, or at least the fact that you have a word that describes what the map actually looks like. As long as you don't call it 'deception' or something generic like that
haha ill see what I can work it's just undergoing play testing right now but will hopefully be released within the week
what's up with the new name? It seems a bit off like the original name... any reasoning behind the choice? Curious.
Still mucking around with a few ideas. Wanted the name a bit simpler, easily recogniseable and less generic. I still don't know, whod have thought naming a map would be so difficult ay
thanks for showing me this first hand! the way the map has progressed is really good, just fix those holes I mentioned
I think it loooks pretty legit, though all the objects seem to just morph together with that stale tanish-white color. You did a good job though on making it look nice, and play well ( just from viewing the video ) If I were you though I would probably add another route from the bottom front of your first picture for a more flowing experience. Great work on that map!