Pandemonium: A wild uproar, tumult, chaos, confusion; The capital of Hell Map Description: Map takes place in an urban environment with many alleyways, roads, sneak holes, and catwalks. Pretty much a living hell chaotic style for map control. Map Details: Designed for 4v4 & 5v5 mainly, the map can be used for 2v2's and 3v3's. Map will support Slayer, CTF, and Extraction and is highly recommended to turn-off armor abilities and use a classic or 'dust-up' style gametype. Map Testing: I will be testing this map about 2-3 times a week in my own lobbies and of course at TCOJ. If you're interested in helping test, just let me know and I'll be sure to PM you about testing times. Overview: Screens:
I never knew Pandemonium was the capital of Hell. Anyways, compared to your previous works this actually looks pretty simple. I still see the urban theme in there, but one thing I'm concerned about are the warthogs. It looks cramped to have them driving around on the map, are there defined paths for it somewhere?
That's the definition I pulled and I'm sure it didn't mean it literally. Meaning more along the lines of the most hellish atmosphere. The routes are highlighted green in the pic below. The warthog can move around pretty comfortable sticking to these routes.
This looks a wee bit like something ripped out of Counter Strike. I'm liking the style it's got. Looking forward to playing this tonight, I'll give feedback on it in the usual spot later.
It's definitely inspired by 'CS-Dust.' Though I didn't want to call it a remake because of many scaling changes, and a lot of layout changes and additions. The only thing that remains close to the same is the alleyway layouts and the bottom tunnel. There's 'CS-Dust'. As you can see I made a lot of changes.
Man, you love you some urban maps don't ya? Nevertheless, looks pretty dope. wouldn't mind catching some games here but I probably cant until this weekend.
I sincerely hate the fact that you can dish out maps faster than Taylor Swift can dish out songs about an ex-boyfriend. It's insane how cleanly forged this map is though. Can't wait to play on this tonight!
jealous for sure, just because he is so efficient at pumping these out. he must have a forge "easy button" or something.. looks good so far. is this the one that was meant to be a "big brother" to curb stomp?
Yes, only because it fits Halo so well in my opinion, that and all-natural maps. This is my opinion but I think arena style maps with no purpose but to serve gameplay is like a glass half-full. Yea, and Pandemonium has a twin coming out as well not to far down the road, right after I make this other map.
The layout is solid as it could possibly ever be, really cleanly forged and looks like it will play nicely. My only tiff is that this would 100% look better on ravine. The grey on everything takes away from the urban feel you're trying to achieve, in my opinion. It reminds me of a plaster figurine before you paint it with colours. Road the same colour as walls and both with no significant texturing makes differentiating between the two really annoying but I guess on forge island theres not a whole lot you can do about that. Love everything else though.
Thanks for the feedback. There isn't any real streets on this map though, only alleyways and walking routes themed behind what a city in the middle east would look like in the future. Forging this on Ravine would be impossible due to terrain and trying to fit this map between the cliff wall and forerunner structure without some major altering of the layout.
This looks very neat and inspirational. The 3+ entrance rule gives players the illusion of false safety in other areas, encouraging map movement, and it also supports players to control the map in a difficult effort. Also, there are colored arrows and noticeable landmarks to help players learn the map layout better. I desire to play this at the TCOJ lobby.
You have so much damn time. Anyway, is there anything I'm missing about that topmost area in that sketch? It looks like all of the entrances come from one direction..
Time I do have. I'm living the dream and getting paid to do it. The top area is only a corner that is extended out a little to become and objective 'holding spot' but this map is old news. It has been overhauled, opened up, and more routes added. Here's a basic sketch of what the new layout looks like. And here's the changes actually finished.
I'm outright going to steal your red and blue navigation arrows. They work well and don't cost too much. I may not steal them, but I'm considering it.
wow very nice, cleanly forged, nicely put together, and very nicely layed out the first picture of the overview realy doesnt give it any justice i dont think, looks way too small but then you see the other pics and looks like a whole new map very nice bet theres some great CTF matches on this one