Pardon me if this is the wrong area for this, still kinda new here. Anyway, I've got a question about the "Recent Screenshots" tab on Halo Waypoint. So I've taken screenshots of a map that I was going to upload (as my first map) but it appears the screenshots haven't shown up in my "Recent Screenshots" bit. Am I missing something, or is it just waypoint taking forever to upload (like it does with stats.) Thanks for any help. EDIT: Before anyone asks, I don't have a capture card, and I was going to download the pics off waypoint, upload them to imageshack and then embed them here.
It does an ok job, but for some reason, it'll just skip a series of screenshots from time to time. I've done a few screenshots that simply just never appear in the recent screenshots. The only remedy when that happens is to temporarily place the screenshots in your fileshare until you can download them.
Alrighty, good to know. How long does it usually take for them to get uploaded to waypoint? If it takes a while, I'll just do the fileshare way.
It's usually relatively instantaneous. I've literally gone straight from saving the screenshots in-game and then got on the computer not even a few minutes after and they were available.
There is sometimes a delay transferring them to Waypoint, and if you turn off your box or leave Halo to go to the dashboard during that period, they'll never appear under Recent Screenshots. Same thing happened in Reach too (yet another weird little glitch that Halo 4 inherited from that game). Best advice: any time you take screenshots, let your XBox sit with Halo active for 15-20 minutes and if possible, refresh Waypoint until you actually see them on there; at that point it's safe to shut down.
Ah, good to know. I didn't turn off my xbox, so I don't think that is the problem, and I stayed on Halo 4, so that's not the reason... Thanks for the help! I'll be doing the fileshare version tomorrow, as it'll be far easier overall.
same thing happened to me I just put them in my file share for a few sec then take them back of and it will appear in my recent screenshots its weird haha
i'm confused. what is the purpose of this "recent screenshots" page on waypoint? That's different from uploading to fileshare? And if so, is it potentially showing people screens that maybe you didn't intend for others to view? I can think of pictures of weird glitches, problems with our maps that we're trying to solve by showing pictures to fellow forgers, and other potential reasons why you woujldn't want the world to see EVERY screenshot you take.
The purpose is so you can save screenshots without having to use fileshare slots on them. If your fileshare is full or you want to take a bunch of screenshots at once, the Recent Screenshots is there to help you out. Yes, it shows every pic you take (barring glitches as discussed in this thread) as long as you're connected to XBL at the time.
Indeed! So don't make that highly realistic giant wang in forge and take screenshots of it unless you want to share with the world - or have disconnected from your router.
If for any reason the file browser doesn't work for screenshots, you can always use my website. It's in my sig.
I wondered about the quality of the waypoint pics... but found that I could still zoom in a bit before seeing degredation, so haven't worried about it. For me, therea re too many steps to extracting them the old way.
Yeah, I prefer using an extractor too, as it's much faster than waiting on waitpoint to update. I can literally get a screenshot from my xbox 5 times faster than waitpoint can.
Does anyone know if you need paid Xbox Live Gold for the screenshots to upload? I'm currently using the Halo 14 day trial and it won't let me use the file share. Just wondering if its a similar deal with uploading screenshots to Waypoint. I took about 10 screenshots the other day and left my xbox on for 30 minutes afterwards. Figured if they were going to upload it would have happened by then. But they didn't upload. In general, does the game even tell you its uploading the screenshot to Waypoint? I know the older Halo games did. I don't recall if Halo 4 does.
I do not believe that you can do this unless you have a Gold membership which is current. Don't think it shows you which files are being uploaded in a queue...