So not all of you might know about this thing on the waypoint blog yet where you hover over these three sharing buttons with 7 seconds in between, going right to left. It actually activates some javascript that sometimes shows some extra text on the pages, like this: Can you spot the text? No? Let me clear it up for yah: This finally makes sense of something I spotted earlier on the TU details page: Lets make this clearer: Sandtrap? I haven't been able to find a release date yet, but it might show up in later posts. I can't wait for sandtrap :O If you guys can find anything on any other posts that'd be great, because I haven't been able to check them all yet (too damn lazy).
Sweet! Not going to take it as confirmation, don't want to jinx it. I just hope they use the elephants and let us remake space station. If so holy shi
You've just reminded me of the reason why I came on ForgeHub in the first place - to find April Fools shizzle. I saw this post and was like, 'ERMAHGERD SANDTRAP!' Silly me. But if this was actually real, I'm sure 343 would be the most loved game developer ever.
AssaultCommand, I give you ♥ Sky points for this little joke, you ****er. I thought the hover over buttons was suspicious but when you mentioned javascript I reconsidered but now I know to never trust you again. @Peg, Sandtrap was awesome. Stealing Elephants on CTF was fun as hell, or parking them in stupid places. I actually flipped one on accident by trying to reverse it up a slope during a game. Lols were had.
Sandtrap was the ultimate in BTB fun for me. I've been saying I wanted a remake since the days of Reach. I tried to see if it was possible to do in ForgeWorld but it wasn't. I had hopes they would remake it in Halo 4, and when I saw Ragnarock I had more hope Sandtrap would return in a DLC map pack, but nope. Then recently, I had hopes it could be made in Forge Island... but nope... the big island isn't big enough (what else is new).
Wow, this thread was a likefest for assaultcommand eh? I knew it was fake when he said to hover over the share buttons for 7 seconds each. Good job though, you got a bunch of people!