You are right Elliot. And that day, is today! No, but for serious.. here is the video of that conference. I like truckloads of concept art that they are showing us, these three classes might be the most interesting classes I have seen anywhere. I like how the Titan, to me, looks like a Spartan. There is so much that the video shows! One of the most interesting area's was to me at 11:26, 13:04, 13:35.. The inspiration they get from so many things is amazing, oh and at 30:00 and onwards.. Forge? There is apparently also a enemy we don't know yet, the owners of those giant onyx space ships. But we discuss that later, here is the one hour video. Bungie's Destiny Panel - GDC 2013 - YouTube
Oh and after seeing all of this, I think I already decided which class I would choose, not for sure yet.. Still, as of now : Exo Titan. The other one's are so awesome too, so this is going to be a very hard choice. But do you guys already have something in mind?
I don't know what race I'm going to be but I like the Warlock. I imagine the gameplay for the warlock is going to be similar to bioshock, with a mix of shooting and "magic" and that just seems awesome. I also like to play support so I'm hoping the warlock has a healing ability or something.
If I am right, then you can't play any of the races besides guardians/humans. For the class I shall pick, it's gonna be the Hunter class. I just like Sniper Rifles really and some stealthy action so that's my choice. I like the enemies involved, next up, some combat video should be nice. I know All the races will have major roles to play, but something makes me think that someway or another, either quite obviously or rather well hidden, is that the Vex will be the primary antagonists. Merely because they are time traveling robots, just makes me wonder.
To notify you both, the tree classes all have (I believe) three sub-sections. So you choose your class, and your sub-section (Don't know this for sure yet). That is why I said EXO Titan. The three sub-sections are called Human, Awoken and Exo. Lets start with Human. The Human is Relatable, Though, Uncomplicated. The Awoken are Beautiful, Exotic and Mysterious. Then last, my favorite.. Exo. Exo are Sinster, Powerful and Tireless, as a Exo you can relate to persons like Master chief/Undead/Terminator. So for instance.. Security, you can be an Awoken Warlock, and Wolf, you can be a Human Hunter. I don't know these things for sure, but lets say.. 99% sure If I would be a Exo Titan we actually have a team! And Wolf, to come back at what you last said.. We have 5 enemy races, 4 are known. Those are The Fallen, Cabal, Hive and Vex, there is a fifth one and they have unveiled nothing about them yet, only their weird looking ships... Security, you are about right about the Warlock class. You can carry weapons of all sorts, but if you are one you will most likely wear a pistol and mostly make use of your spells, at the same time. Sorry if this text is so close to each other, I can't divide it into paragraphs somehow?
I just watched the conference clip so my bad! You actually just sumed my opinion up SPeter, Human Hunter for me alright.
I really loved that hour conference. It basically reiterated everything I'd taught myself on writing, but it's cool seeing how others go about it.
In the live stream, I didn't see it all but part that i saw they where saying "I'm going to be the robot warlock" and "I'm going to be the robot titan" from that I'm guessing we can play as robot as a race or something.
True. There are apparently three races : Human, Awoken and Exo. And with the "robot" they mean Exo, Exo are Tireless, Powerful and Sinister. They are inspired by characters such as the Undead, Master Chief, Terminator, Awesome combo.. I have explained the other two in my big comment above
Unfortunately, no. They haven't told us that yet. But I think its safe to guess they actually effect gameplay, ability's and with that all, the skill tree. The one hour conference gave away a lot, but not such things, they aren't talking about gameplay yet.
They said see you at E3. I imagine that is when they will announce their next chunk of information. most likely some gameplay and maybe some multiplayer action.
Tiger man!Tiger Man Character Development - YouTube <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
I don't know if you guys have seen this yet, but it pisses me off. Not excited at all for Destiny anymore. FPS Developers Admit Online Multiplayer is 80% Random with Hit Calculations | Play4Real
I think that's a tad premature to say. Yeah I might be a little agitated if Destiny was supposed to be an arena FPS, but it's a game about playing with your friends and fighting monsters. At least that's how I think it'll be like.