Hey everyone I just spent the last 5 hours forging a map on forge island. I made a ton of progress on my map and it was coming together very nicely, Until a random person came into my forge game and hit delete by palate then hit delete all................ I booted him right away and quit my game and reloaded it back up to find nothing....... he then joined my game again and sent me a message "u r welcome". as anyone that knows the amount of time that can go into these maps knows that this is a very dirty thing to do to someone. my privacy was unfortunately set to open. because I play with alot of people online that are friends of my friends but i will not be forging another map on open again I learnt my lesson. i filed a complaint both through my xbox and through the phone. please watch out for Grizzwald123 he will ruin your day.
Invite only is the way to go, man. Somebody had joined one of my forge sessions back in Reach and, while I thought they were just taking a look, it turns out they were secretly deleting objects. It ticked me off quite a bit that somebody was douche enough to do that.
Too bad filing complaints does absolutely nothing! Greedy Micro$oft doesn't want to lose a paying customer no matter how much of a P.O.S. they are. But, yeah... Invite only...all the time. There is also that piece-shifting problem when someone joins your forge session so another reason to set it on invite only. Everyone should go file a complaint on Grizzwald123 next time you are online... be cool to see how many it takes to get someone banned for a week. I'm sure it's at least 20. He is guilty of File Complaint, Tampering, System Tampering.
Lol, kinda funny but at the same time I feel your pain. If someone did that to me Id had have to calmly switch of the xbox and listen to soothing music before I destroy everything near me in anger.