Intro: Well so far I have my first map pack for Foundry fun. The three maps in the pack are the following: Two Way, Annex, and Corrosive. In the following paragraphs I will write more about each one individually and include screenshots. Snipe off gametype is required for the maps Two way and Annex. I hope you enjoy these maps. --------------------------Maps--------------------------- Two Way: This map is a small, little straight run way for snipers games only. The covering for this map is so symmetrically perfect and so effective that they'll have to throw grenades to get to you. 4-10 people.? Pictures: ------------------------------------------------------------ Annex: Don't under estimate this map's smallness. Although it's referred to as Two Way's kin, don't fall victim to the 'regular strategies.. shoot, duck, grenade - repeat. Watch your angles. 2-4 players. Pictures: ------------------------------------------------------------- Corrosive: What was once a nuclear facility for the UNSC, is nothing more than a ticking bomb now. Word of warning; don't go into the middle unless you have too. 4-16 players. Pictures: --------------------------------------------------------------- Game Variant: Snipe off --------------------------------------------------------------- I hope you all Enjoy this map pack. Leave your thoughts and comments if you'd like. Thanks for downloading!
They looks great but why did you add corrosive, you've already posted it. I'd like a bit more of a descrption of them but otherwise a nice post. Two Way is my favourite, from the pics, the interlocking looks beautiful, and incredibly symmetrical. The layout looks very basic and yet very detailed, if you know what I mean. I've dled it. I'm not sure about Annex, it looks great, no doubt about that but playability wise it looks like, once you've an advantage you can hide behind a wall and wait it out. What I just said raises a question about the gametype. Could you descibe it to us a bit more, I think I can get the gist of it but could you tell me some of the specifics. Corrosive, I think I've already commented on this in another thread but the middle tunnel area is the highlight about this map, it looks beatutiful, and unfortuneately the rest of the map doesnt satisfy the tunnel or do it justice. Also, why the Onslaught map Pack, it implies something MLG like.
The maps look pretty good and well interlocked (especially snipe off) love the fusion coil hallway or watever you call it 4/5
they all look amazing but the only 1 i think lets it down is the last 1 dont get me wrong it loooks realy neat and cool but looks allot like reflex but maybe better
I think corrosive will be best in Gameplay, Aesetics and just the Feel. The others I will still Download, although the are not as appealling to me. Me + Small Maps = </3
Looks like a very cool map pack. I'm going to have to make some space on my HD for these. Very nice use of interlocking, and they all look like they play well.
I'm glad you guys like the maps. Annex may seem like it's bad gameplay but it's pretty well rounded. Juts gotta keep moving.
In the first two, I can't really tell what the map looks like from the pics, but I can still understand that some hard work and good forging skills were used. The last one looks great, that tunnel in the middle reminds me of Reflex.
I like the first 2, but the third one looks a lot like reflex and i can see that you can fall inside the double open box pretty easily.
I've played all of them, and I gotta say, those are some of the best forge maps I've seen. Also, this isn't Scopulus's second account. I named myself after him back in December.
First two look very small and confusing but Corrosive looks fine. good forgeing like how it is like Reflex.
i like the first two because there inside and thats cool lookin and i also like the tunnels on corrosive, nice maps ur good at forgeing
The last map looks amazing, awesome idea with the explosives and the flag. Some more pictures of all the maps would be nice, maybe some action shots.
yea i thought about doing that for the other two, annex and corrosive but I don't really evr have people on my friends that wanna play customs lol. Luckily I got some for Two Way. I'll try to get some action shots of other two tho.