
Discussion in 'WIP - Works In Progress' started by A R C A S I U S, Mar 31, 2013.

  1. A R C A S I U S

    A R C A S I U S Promethean

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    Hey Guys


    Messiah is a map i've been working on for only two days and already it's shaping up quite nicely. its a symmetrical 4v4 map on Forge island and my initial inspiration for this map was boardwalk from halo reach. However while working on it, I scrapped that inspiration, decided on a basic layout of the map and now it stands alone. It still needs quite a bit of work before it is finished. What do you guys think about the basic layout?






  2. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Why the title?
  3. A R C A S I U S

    A R C A S I U S Promethean

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    Thank you for your helpful feedback.
  4. Robster95

    Robster95 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    wow thats a unique looking map, very nice curves on that, reminds me of a new mombassa map from reach with the curved pieces, very nice :)
  5. GrenadeGorilla8

    GrenadeGorilla8 Forerunner
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    Perhaps because it is easter?

    Anyways this is interesting. I've always been interested in making maps with round or curved aesthetic because 99% of the pieces we have are square. But I think this looks a bit small for a 4v4. You may want to consider expanding it a little more.
  6. A R C A S I U S

    A R C A S I U S Promethean

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    I always tend to make my maps too big so I made a conscious effort to keep it small and then build upon it once the basic layout is down. So I will be expanding it quite a bit, also the rounded platforms will be hollowed out and turned into rooms so that will create more room. Thanks :)
  7. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
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    You could have not answered the question rather than being short with him.

    That aside, you've got some nice curves here. I do feel that the top is too protected and the bottom too vulnerable, however. I am loving that curve in the second to last image, though. I may look into stealing that from you in some way. ;)
  8. A R C A S I U S

    A R C A S I U S Promethean

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    Can't quite remember which map that was but thanks xD
  9. A R C A S I U S

    A R C A S I U S Promethean

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    My patience wears thin when it comes to irrelevant comments on my posts in this forum. He could have asked the question AND left some feedback.

    Yeah the bottom I threw together in the last hour so it needs ALOT of work still.
    Be my guest, on forge island framerate seems to be significantly less than on the other canvas's so you can get away with aesthetic features like that
    #9 A R C A S I U S, Mar 31, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2013
  10. Auburn

    Auburn a dope soul
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    It looks map open with linear LoS through the center and a tad small for 4v4. Since there's no center position of control, I would suggest incorprating some kind of connection here and here so that players aren't forced completely to the bottom level when trying to push on one of the two power positions.
    The circular architecture looks nice and original, though, so kudos more that.
    #10 Auburn, Mar 31, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2013
  11. A R C A S I U S

    A R C A S I U S Promethean

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    Thanks for the feedback, I was considering somehow connecting those two areas however my initial attempts looked rather sloppy so itl be back to the drawing board on the entire left part of the map me thinks. Also the map will be expanded I just have a tendency to make maps a lot larger than intended so I had to restrict the size until the basic layout was established. Thanks again :)
  12. Knight Of 0rder

    Knight Of 0rder Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    The map looks pretty nice. I agree with what others have said about the openness of the map and so on. Is the map in your file share yet? If the map is I'll download it and tell you what I think.

    Btw if you need someone to help you test just send me a message.
  13. A R C A S I U S

    A R C A S I U S Promethean

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    No not yet, it's still really early on, I only started it the other day and I was just curious on peoples opinions of the architecture and the general layout so I know what to change or tweak as I have had a few mental blanks recently. Will do buddy :)
  14. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
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    Your geometry is very nice and the whole level feels like a futuristic holy place and I'm sure that's why you went with the name. As this is a map preview I know you're not finished with the map. I do see a major problem not yet mentioned and that is being able to force locate spawn your opponents. If one team controls one side, the other team will constantly spawn on the other side and it will be very predictable. On top of that, the battles will be very linear in terms of constant shooting from one side to the other and no real flow of the map.

    You can change this with adding more LoS barriers, connecting catwalks, and more of an 'inside' to the map to go from side to side without being shot. Overall, the map looks great.
  15. Elliot

    Elliot BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Loving the look of this, it reminds me of the Firefight map, Courtyard, which I loved. I agree with Auburn on the suggested changes, it would give the map a really strong arena feel and including a power weapon in the middle would be pretty interesting.

    Another thing, I think the curved centre piece would look better with flat walls, it looks quite bumpy with the curved walls. Not really important though.
  16. A R C A S I U S

    A R C A S I U S Promethean

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    Indeed it was. Also because the curved aesthetic piece was inspired by the burj al arab hotel in dubai. I cam across it while researching themes for the map and also since a messiah is a saviour or liberator of a group of people, most commonly in the Abrahamic religions, I opted for that name. Thank you so much for bringing that up as it is completely true. Yet another reason to connect both structures on either side of the map. But yes it is a really bare and basic layout but there will be plenty of los blockers implemented. Whether they be trees/ rocks, im not sure, don't think they will fit into the map theme all that well. Thanks a HEAP for the feedback (y)
  17. A R C A S I U S

    A R C A S I U S Promethean

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    What is really funny is that yesterday when I started this, I had literally decided to make a courtyard inspired map... then reason I was attracted to the curved design features of the city new alexandria so I chose to go down that path instead. The map doesn't look much like courtyard but it was the very first inspiration to start this forge so... yeah weird :p Indeed Auburn's suggestions were great, I will work on it and post another preview soon. For some reason I am imagining 2 snipers, rockets and a shotgun on this map... guess it will depend on the size it ends up being
  18. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This. I was really wondering. Maybe you are religious, like me, and have a reason behind naming it like that, or you're just doing it because it is Easter in general. The map looks good, so I'm not offending you or anything. :)

    The question still stands, though.
    #18 REMkings, Mar 31, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2013
  19. A R C A S I U S

    A R C A S I U S Promethean

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    I'm sorry for being short man, basically while researching ideas for the map I cam across the burj al arab hotel and the large curved aesthetic piece in my map was inspired by that and because a messiah is a saviour of sorts in abrahamic religions i thought it was rather fitting. I am indeed religious, and honestly the name just seemed right the moment I thought of it. Also because there is one small room on the map that randomly took shape without my intending it to that looks as hulk called it, a "futuristic holly place". It's the first image in the thread :)
    #19 A R C A S I U S, Mar 31, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2013
  20. leegeorgeton

    leegeorgeton Forerunner
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    I'm loving the strong architectural forms. The two side/upper areas look like they'll offer good gameplay. You just need to figure out how to connect them in the center so people will be willing to traverse from one side to the other.

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