This the one you showed me yesterday? It looks a lot more structurally sound although I'm not quite sure about the center in that regard. The combination of linear LoS and this dual-base design style generally lead to base camping as pushing on the opposing team is difficult. I only bring that up now because the center holds no strength over either base, and I cannot seem to find any viable flanking routes looking at the screenshots. Beaver Creek, for example, has that large rock that is an advantageous position over each base, but still presents a strong risk to those trying to control it. The rocks caves acted as good flanks there as well. It looks beautiful, though. Good use of the natural pallet, mang. Invite me to take a look at it some time again.
Nope, differen't map than yesterday. lol. And I have a cave along one side, and 2 vantage points in the center of the map. Overshield spawns in the center underneath that fallen tree. I also took the mongooses out because I didn't feel they fit right for the map. But, I also thought the map looked good! I Appreciate the Complement Good Sir!
Looks great. It's always nice to see someone make use of SPACE and A VARIED PALLETE. You created an organized, multi-functional space without having to smash building blocks together. Nice touch with the satellites. It is mostly symmetrical with a touch of asymmetry, which is eye-catching in a way.
Those are the bottoms of the large walkways found in the bridges and platforms section that have been turned facing upward.