Just an idea, but wouldn't it be awesome to celebrate the new Forge Island with a contest? Maybe to see who can make the best map in a week to make it more interesting? I think Forge Hub should do something special for this new canvas.
They have a new contest coming after the 2v2. Right now hands are tied and busy with the current contest. Once the current one is complete then the next one will start. End of April/ Beginning of May time frame probably
At this point, nothing has been decided, but discussion is happening. Please don't spread rumors about the nature of the contest or specific dates or anything because really, we don't know - literally no one on staff has that information yet. We'd like to do something, soon, and we have an idea; but wanting to do something specific in a particular timeframe and being able to do so are very different animals.
Oh c'mon man! I thought the "new" forgehub was not so serious and now it's all laid back eh? Thats just an inside joke from me messing with ofone earlier today, sheesh. >
Nobody's getting warned or infracted or nothin'. Just want to make sure it's not suddenly making the rounds that we're running a contest that starts April 15th, ends May 31st, and involves making racetracks on Forge Isl... OH GOD I'VE SAID TOO MUCH. Anyway, when there's a thing to announce, we will announce it. Until then speculate all you like, but please bill it as such.
lol, zombie, you're funny. Yeah, we're talking about a couple of things and pushing to set some stuff up, but noting is even remotely set in stone yet. Still, if all goes as I'd like it to be, we have some great announcements on the way.
Well, I heard the objective of the next contest is to create a map with the worst frame rate issues possible. I believe, if I remember correctly, that the only requirement was that it have a budget of 10,000. I have four or five contenders already built, so the rest of you better get on it.