Nice to see you again bro! Long time no see since the first launch by 1-2 years ago. ;D Hope you have a good & awesome game!
Hey buddy! Haha, before I read any of your description of the map, I looked at the pictures and thought "This looks just like the map he created in Reach"! Glad to see you're still forging away! This was a great map in reach and it seems you've done an amazing job recreating it! If I remember at the time, the only issue I had with the map were the spawns. The team that spawns up top seemed to have a clear advantage over the team that spawned below, which can be frustrating in symmetric game-types (e.g. 2 Flag CTF, Team Slayer), but in all other game modes (Single-Flag CTF especially) this map was awesome! Anyway man, I'll give it a download and get some custom games on it soon! Glad to have you back!
Hey bro, this looks awesome! Its been too long since I saw Sustenance and this brings back memories since I last reviewed the Halo Reach version. Looking back at this one compared to the old I can say that coming back I don't feel so confused looking back as when I first saw it. BTW, long time, no see. I haven't visited ForgeHub in a year and it has changed quite much, now that Forge Island has come out maybe I have a reason to go back to forging in Halo 4. Good job on the map, the remake seems as good as the original. Don't expect me to download though because I don't play much Halo anymore, hope to see more maps coming out from you and have a good Easter!
Thanks man! I miss you from the old custom game lobbys, definitely there are good memories in the layout of this map. Nice to see some people from the old times again, I do have less time to forge too. But yeah, some times we just forge for the feeling of it, regardless of the outcome.
He didn't. I actually already knew it, but awesome that you remade this map Redy! I really liked it in Reach, the aesthetics were gorgeous and you proved to be an excellent Forerunner forger. I remember from playtesting this map that the sniper was a bit OP, but I'm sure you worked that out by now. Would love to get another game going on this map! Too bad my NAT is screwed up so I can't talk in gamechat anymore.
Thanks Brah! I got this in my files dusty' places" since the second month of release, but I was only posting it now because I felt the need to share Sustenance with the world one more time again. By the way, I'm working on another remake of one of my maps, you already know what I'm talking about. When I saw the new forge canvas, immediately had the idea of putting square surfaces on top of that rock. Got it? Shhh, dont spread the word. You'll be the first to Test ; D