
Discussion in 'Halo 4 Archive' started by PA1NTS, Mar 27, 2013.

  1. PA1NTS

    PA1NTS Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Created by: PA1NTS


    1 Flag CTF, FFA, Flood and Team Slayer

    Player Count:
    6-12 players

    Walkthrough Video:

    Halo 4 Map Preview "Exia" - YouTube

    More Pictures:








    To Download, Press start, hit settings and files, go to file browser, map variants, then search my gamertag PA1NTS and download the map Exia.


    Also, make sure to grab the 1 flag gametype from Flying Shoe ILR!!
    #1 PA1NTS, Mar 27, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 25, 2013
  2. HissingWings

    HissingWings Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    One thing I noticed while watching the video is how close the shotgun and sniper are to each other. I feel like it would be really easy to grab the shotgun and sniper at the same time and camp in the little tunnel system thing. I haven't played it so I don't know for sure but you might want to consider changing it. Other than that it's another freaking amazing map. Good job
  3. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I had forgotten about this beauty. I played a long time ago, and I'm not sure what's changed, but I thought I'd let you know this is the first really good 1 flag map I've played in Halo 4. The map feels a bit like a counter strike map now that I look at it, with lots of chokepoints but never less than 3 ways to approach something. Excellent work, one of your finest I'd say. It's been too long since I played here last to provide much constructive criticism, however.
  4. Hydrolysis

    Hydrolysis Forerunner

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    Wow! Three maps at once PAINTS!? Way to dominate the competition through shear numbers! ;)

    Of the three maps this is by far my favorite. It's very cleanly forged and looks beautiful! Nicely done!
  5. PA1NTS

    PA1NTS Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Thanks for the wise words. I actually designed for the shotgun and sniper to be close together. Since I usually play 1 flag on this map, the defending team grabs them both. The likelihood of someone grabbing both of them is small, since usually the whole rushes for both of them at the same time. The defending base is small because I wanted to give them a more bunkered down feeling. If they were to grab weapons and defend further away from the base, it would be too easy for the attacking team becaues they would have height and cover advantage. I made sure there was enough routes to watch as the defenders so that even if you wanted to camp the tunnel system, you would have to move around avoiding grenade spam into the tunnel system.
  6. Squidkake

    Squidkake Forerunner

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    Wow, I'm just astounded with the neatness of this map. You can tell you spent much time in the aesthetics department, but from what I can see, there's more than just looks, I'm sure it will play well too. I'm giving it a DL now
  7. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I really like this layout paints. My problem is that I kind of agree about the shotty being so close. It seems like the rockets, Shotty and that sniper are all clumped together in that area. I get your idea for the defending team to get the shotty but I think it hurts in slayer. Granted, I haven't played & I didn't look to see if you had a different initial spawn for slayer When I was checking this out, but maybe have the existing shotty in CTF only and have another one for slayer only which I would put at the bottom left corner of the overview pic where you got the frags. That's a nice open room which is perfect for a close quarters power weapon to spawn IMO. I haven't played but would love too, my suggestions just come from past experiences so if it plays good as is, please leave it. The map is awesome & you did a good job with mixing the texture/colors. Solid map and good job.
  8. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I really have to check out ForgeHub more often.
    This map is a beast, that may be quite clear. You're such a bloody good forger Pa1nts, you keep surprising me with every other project that you release. It should really go ahead and finally start forging on Impact because this is one of those maps that shows what beautiful creations one can make on that canvas. Keep it up!
  9. Owenfitz

    Owenfitz Forerunner

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    This looks really nice! I love the clean sharp look.
  10. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
    Senior Member

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    I have a copy of this probably from a preview thread... so I'll go grab a new one just in case it is newly revised in some way... never played on it, but ran around in forge and soaked up the inspiration and took note of the techniques ;)
  11. PA1NTS

    PA1NTS Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I made a quick update to the map. Moved the weapons a bit.
  12. PA1NTS

    PA1NTS Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Make sure you grab it from my fileshare again. Like I say, I spaced out the weapons a bit.

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