Imperial crest

Discussion in 'Halo 4 Archive' started by Zombievillan, Mar 25, 2013.

  1. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Created by zombievillan
    Designed for the 2v2 'Dust Up' Tournament
    2 TO 4 PLAYERS

    Imperial Crest is an asymmetrical map built on Ravine. It began as a sketch I threw together in paint and laid out in Reaches later days. I reconstructed it in Halo 4 and gave it a name I had on an unreleased map in Reach. Its based on an open area set up in the middle with a big death pit and no railings to make the middle the fastest route across the map but leaving it the most dangerous area to travel, though its not amazingly dangerous. The middle, creating long range battles, is then surrounded by a room based layout supporting close to mid range battles. The map is setup to have a variety of combat providing the wide range of layout mixed with automatic and precision weapons. It sports the SAW, Sticky Detonator, Railgun, and Needler. I also provided 2 Carbines to mix up the rifle fights but sorry boys, no DMRs. I feel that if this map is accepted into the tourney, it will set apart from the others by not having the DMR crutch

    This is the overview sketch I made in paint first

    I stayed true to the sketch.


    Ill start with Red corner and work my way around


    Red Carbine spawn

    Red drop down and Pulse Nades


    Red lift and Needler spawn as well as tele to green corner


    Gold corner

    Sticky Detonator spawn

    Corridor between Gold and Blue corner


    Blue corner

    Blue side Death Pit and Sticky spawn

    SAW spawn

    Green corner

    Tele to Red lift room, Railgun spawn on bridge

    Corridor between Green corner and Red corner

    Weapons are drop spawned (except for nades & the Carbines)
    Railgun spawns on the green bridge at 150 sec with 1 extra clip.
    The Sticky Detonater is in the Gold corner at 120 sec with 1 extra clip.
    The SAW is on the blue side in front of the big window, 180 sec with no spare clips.
    Needler spawns in front of the lift at bottom red at 90 sec with 1 extra clip.
    There is a Carbine at red and blue completely opposite of eachother.
    The Pulse nades spawn top red at 120 S
    tickies spawn on bottom blue at 120 as well.

    Ive played quite a few times and was actually surprised at how little work I had to do after the forging. I have no spawn areas on the map at all due to the spawns working great already, lol. The layout works and flows smooth so I ended up with a satisfying map sooner than I thought. The only things I changed were a few aesthetics to make a few areas more recognizable.

    Please give any feed back and play lots of games and vote it in to the tourney if possible, K? Thnx, bai.​
    #1 Zombievillan, Mar 25, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 25, 2013
  2. Hydrolysis

    Hydrolysis Forerunner

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    I can't believe I'm the first one to comment on this map! The layout seems complex, yet you've managed to forge it very cleanly! I can't say much about gameplay from the pics, but I'll give it a Download and a playtest! Keep up the good work!
  3. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Thanks Hydro.

    I updated the thread because I made some aesthetic changes to the map. Gameplay is the same, I just added in some darker textures on some walls and opened up the gold corner/Sticky detonator spawn area to let in some light there and I think it looks better.

    Thanks to Nibbs for giving me the idea to do that!

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