Hi, Im Tomtris, as some may have recognized from Halo customs (A Gold host in them parts.) And I figured I'd delve deeper into the Halo Community. So yeah. Hi!
Hello, Tom. You probobly don't know me from Halo Customs. Glad to see a new face here, and welcome to ForgeHub. I'm sure you'll find things are pretty similar here, just less emphasis on custom games and more love in the map forums. Hope to see you around the threads here!
I can't say I have spent too much time on HaloCustoms, maybe I should go back but I got a warm welcome over there so maybe it is time to return the favor! Welcome to forgehub good sir.
Thank you for all the welcomes, some familar faces, and some not so much... But I hope to get to know all of you, in time.
Who the hell are you, and how can you see faces in a forum thread? No, you cant know me better than real friends do. But feel free to try out.