The Gem Welcome . The Gem, as you may or may not know(depending on how cool you are),is a re-imagining of a re-imagining of a Halo classic known as Gemini. Back in Ye ole days of Reach, I took it upon myself to re-imagine Gemini to conform to a higher standard of competitive play. I believe I achieved that at the time. It was well accepted by many. (Check it here)So with Halo 4 I made it my first project. I knew it wouldn't be the same in H4 so I made it bigger, changed a few things and overall made it much better. Its come a long way since November. I believe its done now. It plays fast and intense 4v4, well balanced 3v3, great 2v2s and not a bad 1v1 either! This version is currently set up for the 2v2 Dust Up gametype only. And will be rolling out an Infinity version shortly. But for now I hope you enjoy the classic competitive feel and be sure to let me know any criticisms good or bad you have with it. Till next time, I'm Gorilla. Stay classy San Diego. Pics Spoiler P.S. Thanks to all that tested this map past and present versions. Special Thanks to TCOJ for being awesome and sexy. Weapons Spoiler Sniper 180s 1 spare Shotgun 120s 1 spare 2x Needler 90s 0 spare Overshield 180s 2x Plasma Pistol 60s 3x Frags 60s 3x Plasma 60s Download The Gem
I always enjoyed Fraternal, and you made a good call in revising it for Halo 4. The Gem captures the fast paced action from that Reach map, and opens up some of the corridors well. The Gem looks darn pretty, and I'm glad to see that you've released your baby.
Thanks Mr. Fone! I feel like a parent sending their kid to school for the first time . I want to hold on for little longer but I know it can handle the big bad world. The dust up really forced my hand though.
It looks like a gem! I never played this, but the visuals look very nice.........OH THIS IS GEMINI. Wow I just realized. I used to love that map and it looks very similar. And with that noted, I bet it plays just as well. Good job with this, hope to play it soon.
Dat text color choice is not good on the dark skin, my homey. I do enjoy this map, both in its original Reach incarnation and in this new remake/semi-reimagining. Wish you joined us more often so I could play it more!
Looks great. I remember being very impressed by it in the one game I played on it (even though it was a super short game). The map has great aesthetic touches and a fun, competitive layout. I had been looking to get more games on it. Good luck in the Dustup competition.
Thanks GR2F! I hope you enjoy it. Oh youre right it is bad. But I'm using the light skin so I didn't notice. I really wish I had the time to join you guys too Thanks Lee! That game was way too fast to appreciate any map. Maybe someday we'll get to play this again.
Well done, GG. Sadly I only got one game on this on H4, but it was fun and the predecessors were awesome sauce. Nice to see you submitted it to the dust-up tourney too.
Really Sanchez? I could have sworn you played more than that. We need to make this happen apparently. @Audience. I'd like to point out that you were the first to comment on this thread and the first to comment on Fraternals thread. Just a little fun fact for you.