Welcome to a peek at my latest map, Ballistic. Ballistic is a squad-based map which incorporates a balance between 'Hog and infantry gameplay. I wanted a constant flow of 'Hog action, so they respawn at the standard 30 seconds. So far, it has been very even. I have also cut back on about $2000 in budget, while keeping all structures the same (damn Brace Larges... ). UPDATE: Ballistic now supports multi-team and has had a "makeover" in the spawning department. It's coming along slowly but wonderfully. I appreciate the support I've been getting from you guys, it means a lot. Mr. Robius has prepared a trailer for Ballistic for your viewing pleasue: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KCgkV99cpds Screenshots: Any criticisms and suggestions are welcome.
I really like the look of the map from the video. It looks like you have a ton of elevation changes on the map which I really like to see. The map actually looks, at least to me, much smaller than it is. Only halfway through the video did I realize that this was a BTB map, not quite sure why. I wouldn't be surprised if this map goes far among the forging community because it looks amazing from the video, and it isn't even finished yet. Good luck and I can't wait to see this map finished.
I've come a long way since Solstice, eh? ;p There are a lot of interesting firefights between buildings and ambushing a passing Hog is tons of fun. I'd like for you to be in the next test(s), because I think you'll really enjoy it. I really appreciate the compliments.
The map looks very nice, lots of hight variation and interesting lines of sight. I have one question though, what is the song in the video and who is it by, I must hear more like it.
Same here. I really thought it was a Competetive 4v4 map. But, that doesn't matter. I like (I could figure something out of the video) the layout of the map, and Hoggin' looks very fun!... Although I am really a Infantrist, I wouldn't think twice to jump in a hog an rock this map. But there are plenty of chanches to ambush the hogs, wich is really like. But can I be honest with you? I hope I can :\ It looks a little boring. I'm sure it plays very well, as shown, and is very fun.. But lately all of these maps use the same blocks : 4x4's, Wall Coliseums, Impact Corridor and Braces. And some other blocks to fit in. That isn't really always bad, and in this case it isn't that bad either, but I would like to see some nice aesthetic touches, and something to break the white. This could be as simple as some well placed crates, barricades and railings, but also some nicer looking things, custom-made aesthetics like pipes and such. But of course you know how to do that.. Better then me, for sure. But I just wanted to say that. But that is all I have to mention.. It looks really fun, and I have seen some amazing maps coming from you. I think this can, and will be one of those amazing maps you know to deliver. Good luck finishing the rest of the map!
Dt: The song is called "She's the One," by Arkasia. He's an amazing artist. Peter: Thank you for voicing your concerns; I really need other opinions So, the aesthetics on the map fit well enought for me (this being a business park of sorts), but I am also a little annoyed with it being more plain. Unfortunately the map was suffering from framerate issues, and if I were to add much more, I'd be back in the same boat.
Behemoth, you have always been a forger who's maps inspired me. This map is no exception. Being a big team player I am excited for this map, the block usage and geometry of this map look very clean and great, I wish I could see the layout more clearly. As for gameplay there is not too much I can say because I have not played it but it looks like you have varied sight lines and a good amount of height variation. I would love to help test this is you need an extra tester invite me!(I only play on weekends)
Paints: Fukdem h8rs. Waterfall, I'm flattered by your comment, haha. I'm always looking for testers, so expect an invite!