Church Current Gametypes Supported: Slayer, SWAT, Regicide ( More to Come) Optimal Player Count: 4-6 Ordnance(180s): Rocket Launcher, Sniper Rifle, Energy Sword, SAW, Needler
The aesthetics look really nice...but with SOO many pieces in such a confined space, what's the frame-rate like in-game?
The matches I've played on this map have run really well. Please check out my other maps too. Natural High, Prodigy, Green Hell, Triad, MOTEL, Oceanfront, and Crux.
wow, that is some of the most intricate design I have seen. Kudos on that for sure. I would echo the concerns of others that framerate seems like it would suffer, but maybe only when you go to splitscreen. I'd imagine that lots of players over Live may also have issues, but I won't poo on the map w/o finding out for sure. It's definitely PERTY!
Whats up with all the skepticism about this map having framerate issues. Ive played it and it doesn't. Please try it for yourself!
How many people did you play with? That really influences the chances having of framerate issues on a map. And since this map is indeed built with a lot of pieces in a very confined area, it's likely to have framerate issues. Don't get us wrong, nobody is saying that's a bad thing per se, but if it causes framerate lag.... than it is, and it should probably be fixed.
Looks very interesting. I do agree that frame right might be an issue but ill give it a download and try it out. Still very good job looks pretty nice.
OP, realize we are using words like "may", "might", "seems like it could", and "perhaps". No one is saying it DOES have a problem. I will definitely DL and take a look. I was only adding that the number of players might influence whether there is screen lag... not drawing a conclusion. and don't ignore all of the positive comments because you hear some skepticism, please