Octave Octave is a small to mid-sized map made for intense 2v2 and 4v4 battles of various kinds. It's based on a map flow sketch I came up with based partly on the designs of Guardian and Lockout, and partly on my own fevered imagination. The result is a multi-level (three of them, to be exact) platforms-and-bridges design that plays slayer like a dream, and does well with most any other competitive gametype you choose. Weapons and ordnance Regular version: - Railgun, 2 minutes - 2 needlers, 2 minutes - 4 pulse grenades, 60 seconds Dust-up version: - 2 binary rifles (2 shots each), 2 minutes - SAW (2 minutes) - 4 pulse grenades, 60 seconds Layout These original concept sketches show how the map is basically put together. The red sketch is the bottom and middle levels, and how they interlock; the blue sketch is the top and mid. A few things changed from this original sketch though I have never taken the time to redo it to match. Mainly, the main level middle platform was widened so you can jump from it to the two end rooms and back, and the mancannons that used to shoot you to the middle were obviously removed. Additionally, new mancannons were added downstairs that shoot you through the middle-level windows (represented by broken lines here) on the sides. Nonetheless, these drawings are pretty accurate in representing the maps flow, which is a figure 8 (incorporating the mid and top levels) overlaid with a simple plus or cross pattern (the bottom). This creates a diversity of player movement and a lot of tactical thinking. Screenshots Download (regular version) Download (Dust-Up version)
Thanks man - sometimes I just have a few idea for a map every time I start Halo up, it seems like. I've been slowing down recently (this map is actually a couple months old, just been testing and tweaking it all that time) - but I'm sure once the new forge canvas is out I'm going to be inspired all over again.
Amazing map. But more importantly ... Your name, is literally, the best thing, that ever happened, to humanity.
I see your maps EVERYWHERE... And I am glad I do. What Starship Ghost said is so true. You actually manage to put out such good maps, in such a short time. They really all look brilliant, so does this one, again. You have to be pretty talented to do all that. And you are, Nice work again Nutduster.
Thanks for the kinds words, SP. Having a regular testing lobby really helps - if I couldn't test things every week I doubt I'd release half as much stuff as I do. It really accelerates my build-and-release schedule to get good feedback as soon as I finish a map.
Thanks for the kinds words, SP. Having a regular testing lobby really helps - if I couldn't test things every week I doubt I'd release half as much stuff as I do. It really accelerates my build-and-release schedule to get good feedback as soon as I finish a map.
Octave has become one of my favorite designs you've put out recently. Its ability to play small and medium sized lobbies equally well is pretty fantastic, and the games are always tense here (aside that one 5v5 test, but I'll not swell on that too much. )