I had so much fun playing this map at the last TCOJ, it is an incredibly unique map. Once we play it again and I refresh my memory I will give you some full feedback.
Quite unique architecture that you have on this map. It is nice to see something that looks so different from other forged maps. I would really like to get a game on this, but I can't attend tcoj so there is probably little chance of me getting a game on it before its out. Any way it looks great, and I would love to see the final product.
Thanks Knight - I'd actually like to get a 2v2 test on it in the next week to see if it might be suitable for the Dust-Up tourney; it's on the large side but not unreasonably so, I don't think, and due to having a lot of long (though not dominating) lines of sight, it might actually be more fun with BRs than DMRs. So maybe I can catch you for that. Might have some time tomorrow afternoon at some point.
Just wrote my comment on Octave and then I see this. This is exactly what I mean. Great, Unique, you name it maps.. You can make it all. These are epic.
Another high quality map!!! Damn bro... I don't know how you do it! Another one for the collection! I love using those Impact Flood Lights in unique ways into the map... awesome work.
The map looks huge in the pictures so I thought that it was larger than a 2v2. But pictures can be deceiving. Just send me a message some time today or early tomorrow about when you plan to get on, and I'll be there ready to test.
It felt like it definitely has enough real estate for the 4v4 games we played, but it also seems like it's condensed enough to play 2v2 games well.
That's the hope. It's probably roomier than a lot of the Dust-Up maps but it's got a lot of longer lines of sight and the map is only separated into about four main areas of combat, so I feel like action would still be reasonably well-paced with four players, unless two of them are just hiding. Anyway, testing will sort it out one way or another.