Ladies and Gents i give you Halo Reach Remake of Swordbase for Halo 4. This took me a total of 3 full days to complete. It was a challenge but i believe i did it well. Please feel free to give me a comment on my work and please feel free to download it play it for yourself's Download this from my file share today, Map is called HR Swordbase v4. I also took some photo's other than video which you can view now below. Photo 1 Photo 2 Youtube Video of Swordbase: Click Here
Your post is not up to Forge Hub's standards. These standards include: At least one embedded picture or video that clearly demonstrates the map. At least a brief description. A download link that points directly to the file on Waypoint - NOT your fileshare. THIS THREAD WILL BE LOCKED WITHIN 24 HOURS IN THE ABSENCE OF A FIX. Do you need help embedding screenshots?
I am new here, sorry BS Angel from 343 directed me here and suggested that i should sign up and post here. Could you help me out?
To complete your post, you need to have at least one image clearly showing your map, so we can glance and quickly decide whether we should download it. Do you have any screenshots of the map in your fileshare? When you have some, let me know and I'll fix the thread for you.
A video sounds great! Just embed it into the map post. EDIT: There ya go, your map post is up to standards.
He said this because Sword Base wasn't the most favoured of Reach maps among Halo's competitive community. I don't think it was an attack against your remake. Speaking of your remake, I really like what you've done here. While I can't comment on its accuracy, I can say that you've done a good job of including every area of the map. Some bits look a bit too large and others a bit too small, but overall the scale seems roughly correct. Good job on this - Sword Base is exceptionally hard to remake and you've pulled it off reasonably well. Also, welcome to Forge Hub!
Thank you so much, it means a lot to me. I will be looking to be making some new maps and remakes once forge island comes out next month. I got some inside scoop of what new stuff you can use with it.