New Valentina

Discussion in 'Halo 4 Archive' started by A R C A S I U S, Mar 22, 2013.

  1. A R C A S I U S

    A R C A S I U S Promethean

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    This map was designed to be of a 'simple' arena style and was built to function with smaller parties. 2v2 Infinity Slayer stands out strongly as the main gametype for this map. Due to the rather simplistic layout, there was significant room for some aesthetic touches and the addition of a theme. The theme is that of a futuristic, urban city environment and that comes across strongly.

    March 27th Update

    • Initial spawns moved to under respective towers
    • Weapons changed from ordnance drops to spawning on the map
    • Rocket launcher added
    • Spawn points removed from top towers
    • Tower heights lowered
    • Line of sight through central sky scraper added in for more balanced gameplay
    • Colour added to second and third sky scrapers for easier map orientation and call outs.
    • Overall aesthetic details tweaked


    At first glance New Valentina is a symmetrical map however technically it is inversely symmetrical due to some areas inside that differ in locations on both sides. Essentially this is an arena style map with significant verticality. Coupled with a mixture of long lines of sight and close quarters areas, this map proves it's worth in allowing for versatile gameplay and play styles.

    Games on New Valentina tend to be very fast paced due to the circular and close quarters nature of the map. There is no one area where combat is localized, rather combat tends to occur evenly throughout the maps different locations.

    Weapons and Equipment

    • Railgun x 1 (150 Seconds)
    • Sniper Rifle x 1 (160 Seconds)
    • DMR x 2 (60 Seconds)
    • BR x 2 (60 Seconds)
    • Covenant Carbine x 2 (60 Seconds)
    • Assault Riffle x 2 (60 Seconds)
    • Pulse Grenade x 2
    • Frag Grenade x 2







    #1 A R C A S I U S, Mar 22, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 27, 2013
  2. Hydrolysis

    Hydrolysis Forerunner

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    Wow, this map looks really cleanly forged! I love the urban aesthetic theme you've got going! I'll give it a Download and let you know my thoughts in more detail!
  3. Knight Of 0rder

    Knight Of 0rder Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    A played the map on a 1v1 just to see the map and have a few encounters on it. The map looks very nice. The urban theme is pretty good.

    The one complaint I have on the map comes from gameplay. In the bottom of the building featured in picture one, it is very difficult to kill other players because there is a decent amount of cover down there, and the grav lift allows quick escape. What I found is that one player would just sit in front of the lift and if he takes too much damage fly up the lift. You could consider replacing the grav lift with a generic ramp or you could add a drop down right by the lift on either side similar to what Lockout/Blackout had.

    Other than that little problem I had fun on this map.
  4. A R C A S I U S

    A R C A S I U S Promethean

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    Hey man thanks for your feedback, funnily enough the initial design of that building did have a drop down on either side of the lift but what I found was that there was the exact problem that you encountered. It was too easy an escape for players camping up top so I removed the drop down. In all te games I've played on it I didn't have anybody really camp down there but I can see a very easy fix for that so i will post am update tonight. Not sure what you mean by a generic ramp tho, I don't know any ramps that go 90 degrees vertically up lol

    Edit: Bottom blue and bottom red buildings have been made more open and accessible thus minimizing the worth of camping down there as it is much more open. also weapon placements have been optimised in order to balance out gameplay.
    #4 A R C A S I U S, Mar 22, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2013
  5. Knight Of 0rder

    Knight Of 0rder Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    lol, I didn't mean a ramp that went straight up. I was suggesting maybe a winding staircase. I'm interested in seeing what you did to fix the problem though. I'll download it and take a look a bit later.
  6. A R C A S I U S

    A R C A S I U S Promethean

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    That would be pretty badass, but budget issues dude, not to mention I have no idea which pieces i'd use for that that could make a winding staircase in a space that small
  7. Xtravagant

    Xtravagant Promethean

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    Beautiful, how did you get it to look so real??
  8. A R C A S I U S

    A R C A S I U S Promethean

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    Ingenuity and creativity. I wanted to create something different so I did
  9. Xtravagant

    Xtravagant Promethean

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    fair enough, I like the changes you made in the update. removing the cover from the towers was a good choice and I also like how you changed the power weapons from ordnance drops to just like its been in previous halos. I hate when my HUD gets filled with all this crap!
  10. TRAUMAjunkie

    TRAUMAjunkie Forerunner

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    This is a stellar map and I really like the updated version. I recommend this map to anyone looking for a 1v1 or 2v2 map. Great job.
  11. ShamaL1ama

    ShamaL1ama Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Urban maps have always had a special place in my heart; Yours doesnt disappoint. I really like your overhead picture, it gives that courtyard feel in between a few buildings. Overall very neatly forged and an intersting layout. You have my download.

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