Thanks for the feedback as your the first one to bring up the height of the levels specifically. Very good point taken here and will get started on this pronto!
I saw in your Curb Stomp thread that you were still working on this... I had originally thought you said something about letting this one die in favor of Curb Stomp. But actually this one is pretty cool too, so I'm glad to hear you may finish it. the main problem I found was that there is one corner of the map that looks very plain compared to everything else. More geometry in that one corner (it's probably fairly obvious which one) would go a long way. I REALLY loved the sound of a vehicle exploding every so often because it creates the ambiance of an industrial locale.
The map will eventually get an overhaul if I find the time in the future. I will be releasing my next map here later today that is very related to curb stomp. I do plan on reworking this and Phalanx (BTB) though sometime in the future. I move to Kansas though tmrw and dealing with a move right now. On April 1st I start college at Kansas City Arts Institute to start making this a professional career. I will be going to school from 8am to 10pm and don't know how much actual time I will have for forging in the future.
edit: at about 34s into your flythrough video on page one, is the plain-ish area I was referring to. The c-walls in particular look like just plain old walls. With so much detail everywhere else, it makes that plainness stand out. I'm thinking of some type of geometry sticking out of the walls so that it looks less like a rectangle with some stuff in it and more like a set of buildings in the midst of a large collection of buildings. You know, as if the industrial district just keeps going beyond the dimension of your level. also, I noticed a thing with the conveyor belt that may or may not be able to be improved. I assume you are using gravity volumes to push the boxes. How high do those GV's really need to be in order to push the boxes? If you are down in that trench and jump, the GV affects the player quite a bit. You might be able to reduce that effect by making the GV's a bit lower so they only push the boxes and the player less. But as I said, I do not know for sure if that would help. Just an idea in case you want to try [br][/br]Edited by merge: congrats and good luck man. from the look of some of your halo creations, being successful as a game artist should definitely be attainable. Glad to also hear you'll be redoing some of your others, because I'm not sure if you saw the comments I sent to you via PM about them... I think Phalanx kept spawning me outside of a safe-zone or something...
I know exactly what you mean by the plain corner. I plan on downsizing this map some to better serve gameplay (2v2) and increase aesthetics. As far as the conveyor belt goes... the gravity volume has to cover the entire floor of the passage area b/c those boxes bounce around everywhere. I originally had the volumes just barely sticking out and running down the middle of the belt, but like I said those boxes would move in a zig zag direction and once out of the volume, the box would stop. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Yea, I was still very new to forging when I made Phalanx and haven't touched it since. It will get an overhaul as well.
to be clear, I'm not talking about making it cover less of the trench, but bring down the height of the volumes so that the player's head and shoulders are not covered by it. Keep it oriented flat, so at some 90deg interval, but just lower it. I say this because i've noticed that it matters more whether a player's head is covered by a zone, not so much the feet and legs.
Will definitely take note of this when I get back to working on it. I always thought if the players feet touched the zone, it would affect him.